Sunday, December 27, 2015

Grace for the Last Days

Sunday 27 December
READ: Gen.6:5-13
MORE LESSON: Gen.6:14-22

There is a lot that has been said about the perilous nature of the end-times but only a little has been said about the provisions of God for His people to overcome in the endtimes. In these endtimes we are also witnessing the periods of the greatest manifestation of the grace of God. Though the wickedness of men was great in the days of Noah, yet his family found grace in the sight of God and they were spared from the destruction that happened to the men of his time. By His grace you will find grace in the times of disgrace, in Jesus’ name. To survive these times you need grace that is made available by Christ. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ: Jn.1:17. There is grace to manifest spiritual maturity in these times. Just ask the Lord and He will endow you with grace to handle the issues of the end-times correctly. You must refuse to be distracted by the events around you. Also, to have grace like Noah in times like these, walk with God and obey His instructions (Gen6:14).

God has also made a provision of godly homes to help overcome these end times. As you allow Jesus, who is full of grace and truth, to rule your home by His Word, your home will become an ark with rooms for your spouse, children (biological and spiritual), in-laws and even friends.

Another major provision made to enable you overcome the perilous times is the grace of the Spirit. Satan is all out with great deception and lying wonders to sweep away many, knowing his time is short. However, God is also equipping many with the power of the Holy Spirit to manifest great deliverances and salvation through the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Cases that have been written off as terminal and impossible are being reversed by the power of the Holy Spirit working through God's servants.

Therefore, do not despair; great grace has been released to counteract the workings of Satan in the end-times. Be a partaker of this grace by doing as Noah did. Walk with God, obey His commands and fellowship with the Spirit of grace.

* I will overcome all evil distractions in these endtimes as Noah did, by the grace of God.
* I receive power to walk with the Lord and obey His commands as Noah did and I shall escape the destruction awaiting the ungodly.

Father, let all strange and evil presence bow to the presence of God and depart from my life today, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Make the Most of Life

Saturday 26 December
READ: Psa.8:1-9

God is mindful of man (Psa.8:4). He has given man His best so that man can have the best on earth and hereafter, eternal life. For thou has made him a little lower than the angels, and has crowned him with glory and honor: Psa.8:5. Glory and honour are not just God's plan for man in eternity, they start here. Blessing and dominion are also God's provision for man right here on earth (Gen. 1:28). It is erroneous for you to believe that you must go through hardship, pain and poverty to make heaven. The Bible says you are to be fruitful and multiply, which implies to be more than what you are at present. This also means to make the most of life.

How can you make the most of God's provision for you in this life? You must first, realize that life is a gift and an opportunity. It is an opportunity to do good, do well and please God here on earth. Also, realize that life is short (Jn.9:4), so you must use life correctly. In addition, realize that life has no second chance for you. Once you pass on in death you cannot return to make impact in this world again. Therefore, live with a purpose; be purpose-driven, and strategize on what you will achieve each day, month and year. Drive your situations; do not let situations drive you. Accept responsibility for your life, and cease from blaming people for what they did or did not do. God is available to help you do things for yourself now, so cease from pity party and work on your life. There are people who had no parents to sponsor them in school but they took the situation by the horns. They got jobs as security personnels who worked at night, and worked in cafes in evenings to pay their school fees through in order to have secondary school and university education.

You can also make the most of life by living sacrificially and by meeting people’s needs. When you are no more meeting people's needs, you are no longer needed. Those who are remembered forever are the ones who remember others. Become relevant by meeting the needs of people around you regardless of your age. You may not be able to give people money but you can give service or your time to help someone. These can open doors to wealth that will surprise even you.

Finally, realize that the best of life comes by redemption. Redemption frees the soul from the bondage of sin so that you can have full expression of life for relevance and usefulness. Calvary is the bus stop for curses and the take -off for blessings.

* Lord, I thank You for the gift of life and redemption.
* I receive grace for relevance and impact while here on earth and at the end eternal life.

I command the spirits of rejection, delay and hatred in my life to end with this year, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Anti-Christs celebrate Christmas?

Friday 25 December
READ: I Jn. 2:18-25

There have been questions about the definite date of Christmas, whether Jesus was actually born on 25th December or not. Some biblical scholars believe that Jesus must have been born on 18th August. Some say March 28, while others insist it is November 18th. Even the year of His birth is in dispute. Moreover, it is said that Christmas did not begin as a Christian festival, that it was a pagan celebration rebranded a Christian festival by pagan converts and accepted by the Church as an incentive to encourage the pagan idol worshippers to accept Christ. The argument still rages on till today.

However, whatever the argument, two things are not in doubt. One, that Jesus was born is not in doubt and that is great enough. Two, that Christmas is beyond date; it is the celebration of a man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Every other story is mere academic rhetoric. If the argument today was that Jesus is a myth, that He was never born or that He never lived, instantly both Christianity and Christmas would collapse. But thank God, Jesus once walked physically on the planet earth, in Jerusalem to be precise. He was born, lived, died, resurrected and ascended to Heaven and is coming back soon.

Unfortunately, there are more people who celebrate Christmas as occasion for fun and festival without any contact with Jesus, the real reason for the season. True, to hate or deny Jesus and still celebrate His birth is the height of disservice to oneself and a terrible satanic deception. Only the ignorant and the unlearned will do that. The Scripture reading of today describes anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ as an anti-Christ and a liar. So how does an anti-Christ celebrate the Christ he opposes and denies? Unfortunately, there are more anti-Christs celebrating Christmas today.

The question is, Are you an anti-Christ who celebrates Christmas or are you Christ-like? Many of us will hate to be called anti-Christ yet by the simple definition of John the beloved, anybody who denies that Jesus is the Christ is an anti-Christ even if he goes to church and celebrates Christmas with others. I ask you once more, Who are you at Christmas and beyond? Be a true celebrant, invite Jesus into your life today and Christmas will be meaningful for you to celebrate. HAPPY CHRISTMAS

* Thank God for the rare gift of Jesus. 
* Give thanks to God for the work of redemption Jesus came to do for mankind. 
* Pray for the countless crowd that will be celebrating Christ today without Christ in their lives, that before the next Christmas they will encounter Christ. 
*Tell someone about Jesus today by word or action.

As the star of Jesus prevailed over the night and was unstoppable by the worse enemy, so shall my star prevail over my night and I shall be unstoppable in glory, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Enduring Gift

Thursday 24 December
READ: 1 Sam 1: 11 - 28
MORE LESSON: 1 Sam 2: 20 -21

Hannah sought God for a child. Then she promised God that whatever child God gave her, she would give the child back to God. When she gave birth to Samuel, she brought back Samuel to the Lord. Samuel, through that singular act, became a gift to many generations. Samuel would have just been a hero in Hannah's house but when he was handed over to the Lord, he became a blessing to the nation and all generations. God also blessed Hannah with many more children such that there is no loss in her life as a result of the child that she gave to the Lord. No one has ever lost by giving to God; only blessing, increase and greatness come out of giving to the Lord.

Trinity Broadcasting Corporation (TBN) is one of the largest Christian media houses in the world. The man who started the media house shared his testimony: when he finished high school and needed direction on what to do next, he went to a man of God for prayer; and the man of God laid hand on him and told him to go to Bible school. So while others were going to university, he went to Bible school according to God's instruction. However, after the school, he fell sick with rheumatic fever, it was so bad that the doctors told him that he would not survive it and if he by any chance did, he would be paralysed through life. Then God came on the scene and healed him. He started a Christian programme to celebrate God for healing him and named the programme ''Praise the Lord!”. He would bring several ministers to speak and preach for free on his programme. He then started paying for television time for other ministers to preach across the world. He graduated to having his own television network where he would bring ministers worldwide to preach for free. The great television network we celebrate today started as an act of appreciation to God.

Isa 60:15 says, Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through thee, I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations. God wants to make you a joy and gift to many generations. There is a gift in you that can affect nations and generations. However until you hand over the gift to the Lord, it will remain locked inside. Like Hannah in the Bible and the founder of TBN, there is something you can give God which He will take over and make into a gift to many generations. You can offer service or take an assignment as an appreciation to God, none can tell how far it will grow. Whatever little money, effort or time you give to the Lord in appreciation will grow to become a great blessing to many.

* Promise God you will not take His blessings without being a blessing.
* Ask God for the grace to live a life of gratitude.
* Promise God something you will do this year for all His goodness to you.

Son of God, as we celebrate the eve of Your birth, cause me to celebrate the end of every long lasting pain in my destiny, in the name of Jesus.