Sunday 27 December
READ: Gen.6:5-13
MORE LESSON: Gen.6:14-22
There is a lot that has been said about the perilous nature of the end-times but only a little has been said about the provisions of God for His people to overcome in the endtimes. In these endtimes we are also witnessing the periods of the greatest manifestation of the grace of God. Though the wickedness of men was great in the days of Noah, yet his family found grace in the sight of God and they were spared from the destruction that happened to the men of his time. By His grace you will find grace in the times of disgrace, in Jesus’ name. To survive these times you need grace that is made available by Christ. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ: Jn.1:17. There is grace to manifest spiritual maturity in these times. Just ask the Lord and He will endow you with grace to handle the issues of the end-times correctly. You must refuse to be distracted by the events around you. Also, to have grace like Noah in times like these, walk with God and obey His instructions (Gen6:14).
God has also made a provision of godly homes to help overcome these end times. As you allow Jesus, who is full of grace and truth, to rule your home by His Word, your home will become an ark with rooms for your spouse, children (biological and spiritual), in-laws and even friends.
Another major provision made to enable you overcome the perilous times is the grace of the Spirit. Satan is all out with great deception and lying wonders to sweep away many, knowing his time is short. However, God is also equipping many with the power of the Holy Spirit to manifest great deliverances and salvation through the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Cases that have been written off as terminal and impossible are being reversed by the power of the Holy Spirit working through God's servants.
Therefore, do not despair; great grace has been released to counteract the workings of Satan in the end-times. Be a partaker of this grace by doing as Noah did. Walk with God, obey His commands and fellowship with the Spirit of grace.
* I will overcome all evil distractions in these endtimes as Noah did, by the grace of God.
* I receive power to walk with the Lord and obey His commands as Noah did and I shall escape the destruction awaiting the ungodly.
Father, let all strange and evil presence bow to the presence of God and depart from my life today, in the name of Jesus.