Wednesday 30 December
READ: Dan 9: 1 – 3
MORE LESSON: Isa. 34: 16
Have you ever been in a meeting where God is giving Word of knowledge about people's cases and it looks as if your own case is always never mentioned? You might even feel as if God doesn't care about you as the servant of God keeps calling forth people's cases but is silent on yours. I want you to know that God loves you and He has given a word about you; you just need to know where to look. God in the Bible has already spoken a word for every human being in the world. Even if a word of prophecy does not come directly to you from the altar for that situation you are going through, God has spoken concerning you ahead of time in the Scripture. So, read the Bible, pick up the prophecies and personalize them. As long as you fulfill the conditions that are attached to the prophecies, God will bring them to pass in your life.
You have the right to hold every Scripture promise as tightly and personally as you would hold a word brought by an angel who has your name written on his forehead, and directly taps or calls you by name in the midst of all the congregation to give you a prophecy. That is what Daniel did; he picked up a word from the scriptures and presented it to the Lord. He reminded God of the word of prophecy that had gone ahead of the exile of Israel to say that after 70 years they would be brought back to their land. He read it in the scrolls, took it personally and started praying it till it happened to him and all the children of Israel. God has made a lot of promises ahead of us. All we have to do is to pick them up and declare them to His hearing.
There are many prophecies for you in the Bible. If no one has told you that you will be wealthy and great in the future, go to Deut. 28 : 12 - 13. It says that you shall lend and not borrow, you will be the head and not the tail. That word is personally for you; put your name on it and prophesy it to yourself. The Word of God is real prophecy. Rev 19:10 says . . . for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Jesus, the Word of God is the essence of prophecy. Even if a prophecy is spoken to you, it must agree with the Word of God. If it contradicts the Word, then it is not from the Spirit of the Lord. If it is a dream or vision you had, you still have to go and search the Bible for the scriptures to substantiate it. The Word is the ultimate; go for it and prophecy it to your life.
* Read through Deut.28:1-14 and pick a relevant promise to meet your need, then prophesy it to your life,
When done, take up a song of praise and give God thanks for that promise and for the power for its fulfillment it in your life.
I connect with the spirit of last minute miracle of 2015 and I receive all the arrears of my blessings, in the name of Jesus.