Saturday, February 6, 2016

Stop the Robbery

Saturday 6 February
READ: Mal 3: 6-12
MORE LESSON: Zech. 5: 3-4

All-round prosperity and total well-being is the plan of God for all His children. Sickness, affliction and every negative thing are signs of ungodliness. In Luke 9: 1-2 Jesus called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. The believer has been given authority over all the works of the devil, so no child of God should live a miserable life.
When a believer begins to see the activities of the devourer in his life, then something is wrong. When you notice that it is when you plant that rain doesn't fall, or it is when you invest that there is problem and all the investment is lost; or probably, you even manage to get a harvest, but then it is blown off, you should know that satan is gaining an upper hand. You have to quickly return to God.
In the text of today, God told Israel their calamity was due to their backsliding. Israel had forgotten God and failed to offer unto God what was due Him. In Mal 3: 8, the Lord asked, Will a man rob God? Yet ye say, wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offering.
When a man robs God of what belongs to Him, God allows the enemy to rob the man in return. But if we return to our first love and serve God adequately, He will avenge us of the enemy. Rev 2: 4 says, Never the less I have some what against thee, because thou has left thy first love. When you return to love God in giving tithes and offerings, He will open the window of Heaven for you, pour you a blessing, rebuke the devourer for your sake and all nations shall call you blessed. If robbing God allows the waster to waste you, it is wise to return to the Replenisher so that He can replenish you. As God said in Joel 2: 24-25, And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the Palmer worm , my great army which I sent among you.
Our God is a restorer and He will restore what the enemy took from your life when you left Him and yielded to the enemy. All you have to do is retrace your steps back to God. Repent of your backsliding, ask for His mercy and He will return to you, as He promised, Return unto me, and I will return unto you saith the LORD of hosts…Mal 3: 7. Return in holiness and with the tithes and offerings. I decree that everything that the enemy has stolen from your life is restored a hundred fold as you obey the Word of the Lord today, in Jesus’ mighty name.

* Father, I repent of any backsliding today; let Your mercy reach me now.
* I receive the power and grace to remain in the Lord to the end.
* I rebuke the activities of the devourer over my life, in Jesus’ name

I command every obstacle on my way to glory to be evacuated now, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Rule over your Enemies

Friday 5 February
READ: Psa. 110: 1-3
MORE LESSON: Gen 42: 3 - 26

When God wants to give a man rest, He empowers him to reign over his enemies. The Bible clearly expresses in Psa. 110:1-2, which is a prophecy over your life as a member of the body of Christ, that there is a spiritual empowerment that enables a man to rule over his enemies, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies: Psa 110:1-2.
God is determined to give you rest in spite of your enemies. According to the Scripture, God doesn't want to achieve this rest by an annihilation of your enemies: He will not make them to cease to exist, but He will give you rest by making you rule in their midst.
The following are the implications of ruling in the mist of your enemies:
1. You have superiority over your enemies. Just as Jesus prevailed over satan, sin, death and sickness and they can never do Him any harm but they panic and flee at his presence, so also will you prevail over your enemies when God makes you rule over them.
2. Anybody that chooses to be your enemy becomes your slave. When God gives you the rod of strength, any one that chooses to be your enemy has signed up to be your subject. Your enemies may increase because some people will just choose to be your enemies out of envy as the blessings of God increase in your life. but you don't need to worry as enemies abound because you will rule over them. In fact, the more they hate you, the more you rule over them and the longer they choose to be your enemies, the longer your year of reign.
3. You stand while your enemies bow. God will lift you so much that the people who hate you will always have to come to you to beg you for help. This is what God did for Joseph in the Bible; his brothers hated him but they eventually had to bow to him and beg him for food. Anyone that chooses to be your enemy will be for your comfort; they will bow to beg you.
4. It means power to take decisions over your enemies. Your enemies will find themselves at the mercy of your decisions from today. Joseph had the power to decide over his brothers; he even put some of them in prison and later released them at will.
5. It means that the fate of your enemies will be in your hands. From today, the fate of your enemies is in your hands, in Jesus’ name. Rule thou over your enemies.

* All my enemies shall serve me, I shall rule over them all.
* Father, let the fate of my enemies be determined by my hands.
* The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon my lots, in the name of Jesus.

This month, I receive the good news of the termination of every satanic agents working together against me, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Stirring the Heart of God

Thursday 4 February
READ: Gen. 22: 1-18
MORE LESSON: Gen 22: 9 - 18

God will do great and mighty things for a man who will stir Him up. There are things you do that stir God to action on your behalf. When you touch the heart of God, you will see His hand move on your behalf. 2 Chron 16:9 says, for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him . . . . God is willing to show Himself strong on your behalf, but there are things you need to do to stir Him up.
The following are things you can do to stir God to action on your behalf:
1. Praise Him: praise moves God. When you want to stir God to action concerning your matter, you need to give Him heartfelt praise. When your situation is adverse and you still give God quality praise, you will see His hand move for you. Always be grateful and thankful for whatever the Lord has done in time past before you make the next request. Don't complain about what you have not got, praise Him for what He has done for you in the past and then praise Him in advance for the things you don't have yet.
2. Pay your vows to Him: if you make a pledge out of faith to God, and you pay your vows and pledge even though it is not convenient, you have stirred the heart of God and committed Him to action. Psa. 50:14 says, Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High. And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify Me.
3. Make sacrifices: when you live a sacrificial life towards God and His Kingdom, you will move Him to action for you. When God saw that Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son for Him, He was stirred to bless him with an irrevocable blessing (Gen 22: 15 – 18). When Solomon sacrificed one thousand sheep to God, God showed up that very night to impart uncommon glory on him. You can stir the heart of God by your sacrifices.
4. Live in righteousness: Enoch walked with God and he was no more for God took him because he pleased God. You can touch the heart of God by righteous living; righteousness stirs God up and sin turns Him off. In our world today, you may have to pay a price and do without some things in order to maintain your righteousness with God but when you decide to stand firm for righteousness despite the cost and price, you will stir God up to bless you.

* Father, by sacrifice Abraham entered into irrevocable blessing, lead me into such sacrifice that will work for me an uncommon glory.
* Father, let not my praise and my life of devotion to You go unnoticed by Heaven, let it attract your attention to my destiny.

In this second month, I overthrow every force working as a road block to my moving forward in 2016, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Loving God

Wednesday 3 February
READ: John 14: 23 - 24
MORE LESSON: Mark 12: 30

The secret of endearing the heart of God to do great and mighty things for you is to love Him. God has so many special packages that are reserved only for His lovers. When you love God with all your heart, mind and soul; you will walk in uncommon grace, access and blessing. There are general benefits for every born-again person but there are realms of favour, anointing, blessings and defence that God reserves for those that are addicted to Him in love, service and sacrifice, As it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him: 1 Cor 2:9.
Jesus puts it this way in today's text; If a man loves me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him: Jn 14:23. This means that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit agreed together that whenever they find a genuine God-lover, they will come and rest upon and live with him. That is God's perpetual presence guaranteed for every lover of God. God's presence is the secret of miracles, signs, wonders, blessings, favour, protection, defence and wealth. So loving God brings all these into your life.
There are ways to prove that you love God:
1. You keep His commandments. According to John 14:15, If ye love me, keep my commandments. The proof that you love God is that you keep His commandments.
2. Spend time with Him. Another proof that you love God is that you always want to be in His presence. Observe true lovers in courtship and see how they just want to be together and you will know whether you love God or can't wait to jump out of His presence to go to other places.
3. Seek God and not just His gifts. When a man is offended at God each time he has not received something, He really is not seeking God, he is merely seeking something from God. The prove that you love God is that even when He has not given you what you ask Him, you can still keep His commandments, even if it is painful. Friend, when you convince God that it is Him you really long after and not the things He gives, He will open His unlimited treasure to you.
4. Give to Him. Giving is evidence of love; when you love someone, you are always looking for an opportunity to give to Him. Anyone complaining about tithes, offerings and Kingdom seeds doesn't really love God.
5. Live for Him. A true lover of God does not live for himself; He lives to do God's will and give Him pleasure.
I beseech you that you've had enough of living for yourself; now live for God.

* Father, help me to prove my love for you by my complete obedience to Your Word, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, shed abroad Your love in my heart and make me a true lover of Christ.
* My love for God shall not grow cold, in Jesus’ name.

In the name that is above every name, no man born of a woman shall be able to stand as a barrier to my destiny from this day on, in Jesus’ mighty name.