Saturday 6 February
READ: Mal 3: 6-12
MORE LESSON: Zech. 5: 3-4
All-round prosperity and total well-being is the plan of God for all His children. Sickness, affliction and every negative thing are signs of ungodliness. In Luke 9: 1-2 Jesus called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. The believer has been given authority over all the works of the devil, so no child of God should live a miserable life.
When a believer begins to see the activities of the devourer in his life, then something is wrong. When you notice that it is when you plant that rain doesn't fall, or it is when you invest that there is problem and all the investment is lost; or probably, you even manage to get a harvest, but then it is blown off, you should know that satan is gaining an upper hand. You have to quickly return to God.
In the text of today, God told Israel their calamity was due to their backsliding. Israel had forgotten God and failed to offer unto God what was due Him. In Mal 3: 8, the Lord asked, Will a man rob God? Yet ye say, wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offering.
When a man robs God of what belongs to Him, God allows the enemy to rob the man in return. But if we return to our first love and serve God adequately, He will avenge us of the enemy. Rev 2: 4 says, Never the less I have some what against thee, because thou has left thy first love. When you return to love God in giving tithes and offerings, He will open the window of Heaven for you, pour you a blessing, rebuke the devourer for your sake and all nations shall call you blessed. If robbing God allows the waster to waste you, it is wise to return to the Replenisher so that He can replenish you. As God said in Joel 2: 24-25, And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the Palmer worm , my great army which I sent among you.
Our God is a restorer and He will restore what the enemy took from your life when you left Him and yielded to the enemy. All you have to do is retrace your steps back to God. Repent of your backsliding, ask for His mercy and He will return to you, as He promised, Return unto me, and I will return unto you saith the LORD of hosts…Mal 3: 7. Return in holiness and with the tithes and offerings. I decree that everything that the enemy has stolen from your life is restored a hundred fold as you obey the Word of the Lord today, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Father, I repent of any backsliding today; let Your mercy reach me now.
* I receive the power and grace to remain in the Lord to the end.
* I rebuke the activities of the devourer over my life, in Jesus’ name
I command every obstacle on my way to glory to be evacuated now, in the name of Jesus.