Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Awake my Glory, Don't Sleep

Tuesday 1 March
READ: II Sam. 9:1-13
MORE LESSON: Psa. 57:7-8

A glory can sleep for not every man that carries glory manifests the remarkable. The reason is because some people's glory is active while some people’s is sleeping or inactive. There are abilities that have been incapacitated by satanic spirits inside you, and until you increase your flame on your knees, the glory will not wake up. You must get out of your comfort zone and go to a solitary place and awaken your glory; that is, what God has placed inside you for your glory but which is lying dormant. There must be a doing, a pursuing of the glory for it to be manifested. There is one thing that you will do, which will announce your name to the whole world and awaken your glory.
Some people have, by ordinary cooking, stepped into glory. Others have been announced by service, prayer, giving, divine contact e.t.c. Get something doing; wake up the glory inside of you. The story of Mephiboseth interests me. This man was a disaster as he lost the throne and was crippled. He was a prince but bare and deserted. One day David asked for someone from the house of Saul to whom he could show mercy. And nobody else was remembered except this lame man. They brought Mephiboseth to David the king, and he restored to him the land of his grandfather, Saul (2 Sam. 9:10).
Saul acquired a lot of property when he was reigning over Israel. If you remember the words of Prophet Samuel about the type of king Israel was going to have, you will agree that Saul accumulated riches for himself, putting the people under hard labour and mandating them to pay tax to him. So when David restored all the lands that Saul had to Mephiboseth he virtually made him one of the richest in the land of Israel. The servant of Mephiboseth was Ziba, and Ziba himself had fifteen sons and twenty servants. That was the servant of Mephiboseth. Something happened to Mephiboseth's glory in the spiritual that he became an owner of servants so much that even his servant, Ziba, started hiring servants. May God restore your sleeping glory back to you today.
God used David to awaken and restore the glory of Mephiboseth. I don’t know what He will use for you. It may be your prayer, service, fasting, giving, righteous living, favour, divine help that God will use. Whatever He will use, I command your glory to awaken today, in Jesus’ name.

* Command every dormant glory in you to wake up now.
* Rebuke every force that makes destinies dormant to give up over you.
* Ask God to connect you with glory lifters, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Father thank you for giving me January, February and now march; I give all the praise on my knees, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Quit Her Bosom

Monday 29 February
READ: Prov. 7:25-27
MORE LESSON: Ezek. 18:20

While here on earth Jesus lived a life that was free from sin and did great works of salvation, healing, restoration, deliverance, because He laid on the bosom of God. Where do you live? On the bosom of Christ or the bosom of sin?
John the beloved knew the secret of success and thus leaned on the bosom of Jesus. He learnt how to live free from sin and to love. He was filled with the Spirit of Jesus and in his last days he began to experience the very essence of the Gospel. John knew the desires, taste, needs and feelings of the Master and he received grace and power for accomplishment. John heard the heart-beat of Jesus, which is love. On the contrary, Judas leaned on the bosom of sin. He heard the hellish gospel of satan and was weakened, filled with anger, greed and murder. Consequently, he could not hear the warning of the Master, therefore he died a terrible death. He that carries fire on his bosom shall be burnt (Prov.6:27).
When Adam and Eve sinned, the glory of God departed from them. They became naked and had to sew leaves together to cover their nakedness (Gen.3:1-7). When Israel under the leadership of Aaron made and worshipped the molten calf instead of God, they were not spared by the sword. Moses looked and beheld the people were naked, because the glory of God had disappeared (Exo. 32:1-10, 25-28). The road to righteousness and peace with God is acknowledgment of guilt, confession of guilt, as well as forsaking sin, and accepting and confessing Jesus as your Saviour (Prov28:13).
The consequences of God's anger are better imagined than experienced. The never quenching hell fire, the never dying worms, the thirst, hunger, agony, shame and fear of hell are too great. The Bible says God is angry with the wicked everyday.
Repent now to avoid His anger. Sin stings, Jesus saves! In whose bosom are you going to spend your day today? Choose Jesus’ bosom.

*Ask God to cleanse you of every past hidden sin and take you out of any wrong location and position.
*Tell the Lord you choose to live and die on His bosom only.
*Pray for as many as are still struggling with any type of sin, that the yoke of sin be broken off their necks today.

Thank you Jesus, You won again in February, You will win beyond December, glory to You forever, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Add and Add

Thursday 25 February
READ: II Pet. 1:1-9
MORE LESSON:Mk. 9:23-24

It is challenging to hear the Apostle Peter urge fellow believers (pastors and congregation) to live a dynamic and ever growing Christian life. The apostle says that although as believers the knowledge of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ has already been given to us, …all things that pertain unto life and godliness….: II Pet. 1:3 plus …exceeding great and precious promises….: II Pet. 1:4, we still need some other things to add to be able to stand solid enough so that we cannot fail or fall. He outlined such things, …add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity: II Pet. 1:5-7. Three things are the challenge in this scripture. First, I thought if we have already been obtained with the precious faith through Jesus Christ our Saviour, meaning we are already born again and on top of it we have been given, …all things that pertain unto life and godliness and have been … called...to glory and virtue: II Pet. 1:3, then we are complete. Therefore, there is nothing to add.
Second, the things the apostle asks us to add other things to are things that look sufficient in themselves alone: faith, virtue, temperance, patience, knowledge, godliness, kindness, charity. In any case, the apostle does not say we do not have some of these things already, but that we must add to them. Third, all this increase aside from having already …escaped the corruption that is in the world: II Pet. 1:4. So, what then is the lesson? That whatever be your height in the Christian faith, you cannot afford to stop adding. The secret of increase and growth is addition. No matter how small, just keep adding consistently and permanently. When you stop adding, you stop growing and start reducing. Even stagnancy is a reduction. May you increase more and more. This year you will not decrease, the Lord shall be your increase.

*Ask God to reveal your small areas to you and add to you.
*Pray never to stop increasing.
*Ask the Lord to increase every area of strength and deal with every deficiency in your life.
*Ask God to add every missing thing in your faith today.
Take a definite decision on what you can begin to do to increase your faith. For instance, how many books to read per week. How many hours of prayer you will add per week. How many souls you will harvest per day. How you will intercede for them each day.

As I walk into this day, the Lord shall preserve my going out and my coming in; He shall defend me on every side, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Force of the Spirit 2

Wednesday 24 February
READ: Luke 1:30- 35
MORE LESSON:Heb. 1: 2-3

It is not everything that happens that can be accounted for by natural laws. There is more to life than meets the eye and it is the consciousness of the invisible force of the Spirit working for you as a believer that enables you to have faith. An angel appeared to a virgin called Mary and told her that she found favour with the Lord and she would conceive and give birth to a son. That is impossible in the natural; nobody in his right senses would believe that a virgin could give birth to a child because we all know that it takes a man and a woman to come together to make a baby. So Mary innocently asked the angel, 'How shall this be?' The angel explained to her that it was impossible in the natural but by the force of the Spirit, natural laws can be over ruled. The angel answered and said, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God: Luke 1:35.
It had never been heard before that a virgin gave birth to a child but Mary became the first as the force of the Spirit came upon her. You might want to do something and it is tagged impossible because nobody has succeeded in doing it
before, but that is not a problem, when the force of the Spirit comes upon you, you become the first to do it. If they tell you it has never happened before, tell them it will start with you, For with God nothing shall be impossible: Luke 1:37.
The birth of Jesus bypassed the natural order, His life defied natural laws, His death and resurrection were supernatural. As a spiritual being engrafted into Christ, you can suspend natural laws and get results from the realm of the spirit. Your health, business, career, child-birth, academics and ministry can defy natural explanation. All you have to do is to get into the spirit and engage the forces of Heaven. There is a power that bypasses natural order to get certain things done in life, that power is yours through the Holy Ghost.
Ask God for the power of the Holy Spirit to operate upon your life like in the life and ministry of Jesus.

* In the name of Jesus, I deploy the ministering angels of God to attend to matters that are proving to be beyond me.
* Father, let the force of Heaven swallow up every force of bondage, affliction and evil inheritance working against my life today, in Jesus’ name.

This year, I shall not reduce but increase greatly and all forces of stagnancy shall be no more in my life, in the name of Jesus.