Friday 4 March
READ: Prov. 29: 18
MORE LESSON: Hab. 2: 2-3
The place of vision is very important in life. We need vision in every area of life to achieve success. If you don't have a personal vision for your life - academics, finance, home, family - one day you will collapse and perish, because he who fails to plan is planning to fail. As expressed in the Scripture, Where there is no vision, the people perish . . .: Prov 29:18. Vision is the prerequisite for planning: when you know your target and goal, you can start working towards it. Vision helps us develop strategies and a visionary person is not easily distracted. If you see men who wander to and fro in life; today they are in a ministry, tomorrow in another and next tomorrow, they move to yet another, the problem is that they don't have a vision. A visionless person doesn't know what he is doing, where he is going and where he belongs.
The beginning of vision is salvation; when you are reconciled to God, you can be reconciled to your purpose and vision because your purpose is in Him. Even after salvation, you still have to discover what God has saved your soul to do. If you discover what God would have you do, you also need to find the place where He wants you to do it. Discover the location for your vision. Because for every God-given vision, there is a particular place where you most effectively fulfil what God has asked you to do. You don't just attend church as a religious gathering because the vision you have is what determines the church you attend. When you see that your personal life vision matches with the vision of the people gathered in a church, then you come in to achieve the vision with them. If you don't have that kind of mindset, you will not excel in ministry and service to God as you will have to be pushed and pulled before you serve God in church. So vision is the foundation for excellence in ministry.
Vision is the bedrock for a successful marriage as well. When marriage seminars are organised, some young people don't take part because they think such seminars do not concern them. Some of these young people later find it difficult when it is time to make the right choice of partner. They find themselves in such situations because they didn't have a vision of a good marriage well in advance of time. Vision makes you start careful planning of your family, finance, children and career when other people think it is still far way.
Today is the day to get a vision for every aspect of your life from God; present your life to Him and discover what He wants you to do, where He wants you to go and what He fashioned you for. I pray you will not miss your place in destiny.
* Ask God to give you a vision for living.
* Pray against a vision-less living.
* Pray that every dormant vision in your life should come alive and strong.
As I march through March, I shall march into joy and gladness; no good thing will be denied me in this month, in the name of Jesus.