Monday, March 14, 2016

Keep Hope Alive

Monday 14 March
READ: Rom 4: 16-24
MORE LESSON: Job 14: 7 - 9

God called Abraham and promised him a child at age 75 but at about 100, the child had still not come. At a point, Abraham got so weary that he suggested to God that Eleazar his servant should become his first son but God insisted that He would give him his own son. Abraham could have thought that God was already late because he was 100 years old. He would have concluded that no child would come anymore, as the situation seemed hopeless. However, it is written concerning Abraham that ...he against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be: Rom 4:18. Abraham kept hope alive even when all hope seemed to be lost. God is amazing and no situation is hopeless as far as he is concerned. If your case seems hopeless, I want you to know that God is a specialist in hopeless situations. When men call it hopeless, that is when God loves to show up.
When you get to the point where things cannot work anymore, there are two things you can do.
1. Don't give up hope. Even when there is evidence that things will not work anymore, keep hope alive. Don't ever conclude that a matter has gone beyond redemption. There is no situation that He cannot redeem. With God, there are no impossibilities and there is no lateness. Whenever God shows up, that is the right time for action.
2. Take up responsibility. Abraham kept fulfilling the covenant of God; he gave tithes (Gen.14:18-20), entertained strangers (Gen18:1-8), kept the circumcision and did all other things he should do. Do not say that what you are expecting is not forthcoming and so decide that you will stop doing what you should do for God and men. There are certain responsibilities we must take even in the midst of hopeless situations. When you are in a hopeless situation keep doing the right things. Keep believing, keep serving God, keep building capacity, keep doing the works that align with your faith and stay diligent in prayer. Do not resign to hopelessness and sit down doing nothing. Don't give in to complaining and murmuring about your situation.
Also when situations seem hopeless, you must take heed to cut off everything that can hinder you from seeing the hand of God in your life. Remember; the Hand of the Lord is not too short that it cannot deliver but your sins have separated you from me: Isa. 59:1- 2. Deal with every known and unknown sin; confess it, repent and forsake it, and God will not have a reason for not answering you. God is good; keep your hope alive in Him.

* Father, help me against all forces of delay in every area of my life.
* I purpose in my heart today that no matter what happens, I shall not give in to satan.

I command every invisible arrow of limitation and reduction against me to backfire, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Peace like a River

Sunday 13 March
READ: Phil.4:6-8
MORE LESSON: ­2 Thess. 3:16

One virtue that is missing in our world today is peace. The simple reason why this is so is because the world has failed to acknowledge Jesus, the Prince of peace. Until His kingdom come where He reigns over all, the earth will not experience peace. Jesus once said, Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household: Matt.10:34-36.
This statement of Jesus was not negating the fact that He is the Prince of peace. He said these words to His disciples to make them know that on account of Him, the world will be set in confusion. Because the world will refuse to acknowledge His lordship, other “lords” who will impoverish them and take away their peace will rule the people. The confusion, corruption and insecurity all over the world today is as a result of other lords whom the world is hand-in-glove with and they have succeeded in enthroning themselves over the world. Surely, this confusion will grow worse until Jesus comes to take the centre stage when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our God and His Christ.
This same confusion in the larger society is happening in homes that refuse to allow Jesus reign as Lord. The reason for all the troubles in your life and family is simply because you have not given Jesus the authority to oversee your home. Peace like a river will flood your home if only you will invite Jesus in today. If you will agree to rule your home in accordance to Biblical instructions, your home will experience rest because Jesus will take full control. The battle will no longer be yours, but the Lord’s.
You can only “be careful for nothing” and hand over everything to God in prayer with thanksgiving if Jesus is the Lord of your home. Those who fail to do so will fear and faint. But those who acknowledge Him as Lord will acclaim, The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psa. 27:1; and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep their hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

* Lord, give me Your peace like a river.
* Jesus the Prince of peace, let my home experience Your rest.

I command every padlock used to shut down my destiny to break open today by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Indicators of a Dying Fire

Saturday 12 March
READ: Rev. 3:14-22
MORE LESSON: Psa. 27:1-4

There are some ways to know whether the fire of the Holy Ghost in a believer's life is going out. The first thing is lukewarmness. When the fire is out, the person becomes lukewarm and gradually becomes cold. How hot are you in the spirit? How consistent is your life of Bible study? How is your prayer life and witnessing for Christ? Even as a minister of the Gospel, have you not become lukewarm in sitting at the Lord's table to obtain spiritual food and drink for the congregation?
Another indication of a dying fire is the dominance of ashes, representing past testimonies. If you do not have current and living testimonies of your walk with God, it is evident that the fire is out. If your testimony is constantly in reference to past victories, it is historical. Aaron and his sons were commanded to constantly dispose of ashes on the altar of sacrifice. When ashes are not disposed of, it is difficult to ignite new fire (Lev. 6:11). God's
desire is for your fire to constantly burn and not die (Lev. 6:13).
A burning fire produces noise signifying that it is active. A dying fire however is silent and eventually passes out. When King Saul lost the abiding presence of God, he could not hear directly from God again (I Sam. 28:5-6). Do you still hear from God?
Another indicator of a dying fire is the gathering of flies. When a stove is hot and burning, flies dare not move around it. When it is off and cold, all sorts of insects can perch on it. Flies represent satanic messengers and demons. They also represent old habits and lifestyle gaining dominance again. They pollute lives of saints and destroy anointing (Ecc. 10:1). A dying fire also produces darkness. Let your light shine. Ask God to ignite your light again so that your lamp may burn consistently.

* Plead with Heaven to keep your light burning.
* Ask God for fire on the weak areas of your life.
* Ask God to do a new thing in your Christian walk.
* Pray that your sins and weaknesses shall not be hidden from you no matter how little.

Today, I fire back at all satanic arrows of failure at the edge of my success, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, March 11, 2016

It's a Shadow

Friday 11 March
READ: Amos 5:8

In life there are so many things that look so real but without reality or substance. Nevertheless, there are other things that look so abstract but are much more real than things that can be touched physically. God ...calls those things which do not exist as though they did: Rom 4:17 (NKJV) that is, declaring shadow a reality whereas there are some things in existence today that are actually shadows of things yet to be (Col.2:17, Heb.10:1). Believers in Christ Jesus, everything outside of God's counsel are shadows that cannot happen unless you permit them. One of God's servants admonishes us to declare old anything you don't want to see again. So when it comes to pain, death, affliction, hunger, lack, and deprivation, they are shadows that must pass away. A shadow cannot hurt, it cannot kill, it cannot destroy.
One day I was standing at the street corner and the shadow of a huge, heavily loaded truck passed right over me. Did it hurt? Of course not. Shadows can’t hurt. That is why the Bible tells us that believers walk through the valley of the shadow of death (Psa. 23:4). But when an unsaved person dies, he walks into torments of the awful jaws of death itself.
It is only in God that all things are real, because they are good and perfect. This is why the book of James calls God the ...Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning: Jam. 1:17. God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Num. 23:19.
Moreover, our text today makes us to understand that there is no shadow in God, ...He turns the shadow of death into morning....: Amos 5:8 (NKJV). Child of God, this is your portion. Declare every hurtful and negative situation shadows today and they will pass away. Declare what must be and the angels of God will bring them into your life right now, in Jesus' name.

* I overcome the spirit of shadow casting evil into my life.
* I declare every negative issue of my life a passing shadow now, in Jesus' name.
* Father, turn my shadow into morning, in Jesus' name.

Father, I forbid Satan and his agents from having any memorial in my life today, in the name of Jesus.