Monday 25 April
READ: 2 Cor. 1:20
MORE LESSON: Prov. 3:5-7
Trusting in the Lord is accepting the provision of His promise when the situations around show an apparent threat to the promise. It is seeing that things are not the way they are supposed to be, but still choosing to stand on what the Lord has said. Trusting is believing the promise above circumstantial evidence. Trust is blind to situations, it only sees the invisible promises. This is why it is God that deserves our trust because it is only He that can fit into the context of real trust. If men promise something and the circumstances are proving so difficult for them to get it done, they can easily change based on the prevalent circumstances and their limited capabilities. But when God makes a promise and the circumstances are not co-operating, He overrules the circumstances. Whatever God will not be allowed to rule, He over-rules. If it is the Lord who has made the promise and the circumstances are not aligning with the fulfilment of the promise, He forces them to. This is what the Bible means when it says there is no variableness with Him. Instead of a situation to cause God to vary, He varies the situation, with Whom [God] is no variableness, neither shadow of turning: James 1:17.
For a man to be able to trust God he must do the following things:
1. Find the promises of God: You must find what the Word of God says about your situation. After you have found it, hold onto it and never let it go. Heaven and earth will pass away, but that spoken word or that written Word of God will never go unfulfilled. Your situation that is contrary to the Word of God must bow. God must be true, let the whole world remain a lie.
2. Learn to pray over the promises you have found: Several people read the Scripture to find what God has said but they don't take it back to God in prayer. When God speaks to you by His Word you speak back to Him by your prayer.
3. Learn to confess what God has said: We should not keep God's promises under our pillow; tell men what God has said so that they will know what God has said. This will help a man to keep his confidence in God and when God sees you confessing His Word, praying His Word and believing His Word, He will surely perform His Word.
Beloved, trusting in the promises of the Lord has never failed any man. Over your situation, find God's promises and put your trust in Him. Call upon Him in prayer and give Him thanks believing He has heard you. I assure you that you are next in line for a testimony.
* Father, open my eyes to the promises You have given to me, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Ask God to put a seal to every word you declare.
Everything done against me with evil padlocks, be nullified by the blood of Jesus today, in the mighty name of Jesus