Sunday 15 May
READ: Job 23: 12
MORE LESSON: Psa. 119: 97
There was a time I travelled out of Nigeria to far South Eastern Asia for ministry work, and I was there for almost a month. Because communication technology was not as advanced as it is now, for almost a month I had no contact with anybody at home in Nigeria. I began to long so much for any contact from home – a letter, phone call, e-mail, anything. It was at such a point that I was able to access an email from someone at home. Can you guess who sent me the e-mail? You guessed right - my wife, of course. Do you know what I did with that email? I printed it out and began to carry it about. I noticed that I would read it in the morning when I woke up. When I had a little break from ministering in the afternoon, I would quickly go through it. In the evening before I went to bed, I would read it. It wasn't a long document that I needed to read in instalments and I didn't plan or premeditate reading it every now and then. However I just found myself reading the same letter every one or two hours. No matter how many times I read it, each time seemed fresh like I just received it. In fact, I didn't notice that I was reading it so frequently until I got back home and was with my wife and it dawned on me that it was the same letter I had been reading so many times. I could almost recite the content of the letter by that time. I love my wife so much that I was so excited and unconsciously drawn to reading her letter repeatedly.
Believe it or not, how much you read the Word of God is a sure indicator of how much you love Him. The psalmist says, The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold: Psa 119:72 (NIV). If the Word of God in the Bible could become as dear as that to you, everything and everyone in the world will respond to it in your mouth. A preacher that doesn't love God’s Word has no power in his message. He can only stand on the pulpit and tell stories. A believer that is not in love with the Word of God is dry and empty for he is in constant lack of power. Many people are giants at reading novels, textbooks and newspapers but when it is about reading the Bible they are dwarfs. Such a lifestyle cannot lead to a life of exploits. You are not only to read the Word, you are supposed to fall in love with reading it. Then you can say, How sweet are your Words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth: Psa. 119:103 (NIV).
* Father, help me to love and long for Your Word daily.
* Father, create a thirst in me that only Your Word can quench.
Today, every curse of back-to-square one working in my life and destiny: break now, in the name of Jesus.