Sunday 5 June
READ: Mark 9: 17 – 29
MORE LESSON: Luke 1: 45
The father of a child brought his son, who was tormented by the devil, to the disciples of Jesus. Jesus was not present and the disciples could not perform the needed miracle. I am sure the disciples would have thought they could not perform because they didn't have power. But then Jesus arrived the scene, healed the boy and when asked by His disciples why they could not cast out the devil, He told them it was because they didn't have faith. Just as the disciples could not do the miracle, so will we also not be able to do such today in the absence of faith in the Lord Jesus. In verse 19, Jesus reprimanded their unbelief, O faithless generation, how long shall I suffer you? Bring him to me. One of the things we need to do mighty works is active faith in the power that is in the name of Jesus. Signs and wonders are not possible in the absence of faith.
Secondly, Jesus said to the father of the child: If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth: Mk 9: 23. Believing that all things are possible is a great factor in receiving our miracles and in being a miracle worker like Jesus. The Scripture says in Lk 1: 37, For with God nothing will be impossible. When we believe that it is possible so will it be for us and through us. The father of that boy needed to believe that even in the physical absence of Jesus, his son could be healed. He could have believed in the disciples and received his miracle.
Thirdly, Jesus pointed out to the disciples what is necessary for signs, wonders and healing in verse 29, And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. A regular and consistent prayer life is a great factor in bringing the power of God into physical manifestation. When we eat everyday of our life without the discipline of denying the body some of its cravings, we may not be able to manifest genuine power of God. Setting some days aside in the week to fast and pray is very necessary not just for miracle to happen, but for daily victory and strength in the Lord. We also contact the grace of God in the place of prayer and fasting. Divine direction, guidance and the presence of the Lord are some of the things we contact when we spend time in prayer and fasting.
Brethren, God is highly principled; so if you want to manifest His grace and power, you must have unwavering faith in Christ’s finished work knowing that all things are possible because Jesus accomplished all things for us. Believe God for yourself and others and engage in prayer and fasting regularly, and then manifest God's power raw as was manifested by Jesus.
* Father, I receive grace to wait on You in fasting and prayer regularly so that Your power can reside in me.
* I break the yoke of unbelief off my life, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* I receive the spirit of faith as it was in Jesus, in Jesus mighty name.
This year, this month and even this week, every bitter water of marah shall become sweet in the mighty name of Jesus.