Tuesday 14 June
READ: Heb. 4:1-11
MORE LESSON: Heb. 3:15-19
The children of Israel had been wondering around battered and beaten in the wilderness for years. They left Egypt and were headed to the promised land of Canaan. Many died on the way because they disbelieved, complained and refused to walk by God's principles. Eventually, the little children grew up and were led into the place of rest by Joshua. Our text today shows that beyond the rest that Joshua led the children of Israel into, there is an additional rest that God has prepared for His children.
There is a rest from struggles, labour, troubles, financial crisis, family problems and matrimonial troubles. However, for you to enter into this rest, you must believe in the ability of God. Faith is the key that opens the door to your place of rest, the problem is that many 'believers' don't believe, they are doubters and rationalisers. For example, God says that there is a place of financial rest but He wants you to be a giver to enter in; He wants you to give your tithe, offering and other kingdom seeds.
One person believes and gives till he enters financial rest while another starts asking questions how he will fare if he removes from his salary that is not even enough; he also wants to know what the church does with all the tithes that people have been giving. So he continues in financial toil. There is a rest ordained for you in every area of your life, you need to search the Word, discover God's prescription for rest in that area of life, believe it and obey it.
The Bible says that for you to have matrimonial rest as a husband, you have to love your wife unconditionally. It says that the key that opens the door of rest for the wife in her home is submission. But if you continue to run your home based on what your committee of friends, village/clan meeting or women rights organisations tell you; you will realise that your home will continue to be a boiling pot.The key to rest is the Word of God. Abandon your head knowledge, mathematical calculations and logical reasoning when you realise they contradict scriptures. God's Word doesn't have to be rational, it just has to come to pass. Believe God and enter into rest.
The ultimate rest is in making it to Heaven; this rest also as every other form of rest is through faith. When you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and you accept Him into your life and dedicate your life to living by His Word; you are assured of entering into His eternal rest. Do not harden your heart as some did in the wilderness and could not enter into rest, even though it had been prepared for them, Speak tenderly to Jerusalem. Tell her that her sad days are gone and her sins are pardoned: Isa. 40:2(NLT).
* Father, let me enter into the rest prepared for me in every area of life.
* I receive grace to follow God’s prescription for my rest.
* Lord, I receive a season without war, in Jesus’ name.
Father, as king David enjoyed uncommon mercy with You, let it be so with me and my family this year, in the name of Jesus.