Monday, June 27, 2016

Knowing the Mind of God

Monday 27 June
READ: Psa. 119: 161-168
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 119:7-16

One of the greatest assets of any child of God is knowing God's mind in anything. To know the mind of God is the first step to receiving anything from God, And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us: 1Jn. 5:14. It is so important, therefore, to learn how to know the mind of God.
God's Word is the most revealed mind of God to man. Everything that a man needs to know about God is in the Bible. The more of God's Word that you have in you, the more of God you will know. There are several other ways of hearing God and knowing His will but the most authoritative is the Bible. This is why you must love the Scripture; it is the source of your much sought peace and victory, Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them: Psa.119:165.
When you love God's Word, you will not have problem reading, meditating on and obeying it because what we love we adore, …but my heart standeth in awe of thy word: Psa. 119:161. Until the love of God's Word consumes you, it will be difficult to do quiet time, attend Bible study meeting or study the Bible on your own. Until you do these things, knowing God's mind to find God's answer to crucial matters of life will be near impossible. A man's love for God can be judged by his love for God's Word, which in turn can determine answer to prayer. Do you love God and His Word? How much of God's Word do you know? How much time do you devote to it? How many chapters of the Bible do you read daily? How obedient are you to the Word? God's mind is His Word; read it.

* Ask God to create in you a heart that loves His Word and obeys His will.
* Command the release of divine knowledge upon all your decisions and declare that you will not miss your way in destiny.
* Say, “Today, the Spirit of God shall lead my way and I shall laugh all day long”.
* Command today to release all its goodness to you now, in Jesus name.

Thank You Jesus, I shall end 2016 in laughter, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Do Whatever He Tells You

Sunday 26 June
READ: John 2: 1-11
MORE LESSON: : John 9: 1-7

Every man that wants to contact God needs to trust Him and obey every instruction that God gives. Checking through the Scripture, you will notice there is hardly any miracle that Jesus did for any man without a particular instruction to be obeyed. Those who obeyed the instruction had a testimony and those who didn't obey lost the miracles. Sometimes the things He tells us to do are not things that we would consider enjoyable but obedience to prophetic instructions is what guarantees miraculous manifestations. Anybody who wants to enjoy the blessings of the Lord must be ready to obey His instructions.
Jesus attended a marriage in Cana of Galilee with His disciples, and His mother was also there. When the celebrants needed a miracle because their wine had finished, the mother of Jesus approached Him and Jesus told her to leave Him alone because His time had not yet come. But thank God for Mary; she didn't argue but was determined that it was not the end of the matter. Many people miss their miracles because they take the answer 'no' too soon. Mary knew Jesus very well; you will only be able to get a miracle from God to the extent to which you know Him. She knew Jesus would not refuse someone who comes to Him for help and she also knew that Jesus would give them the miracle by giving an instruction. Therefore, she said to the people, 'Don't worry about what He said; He will do something soon, and whatever He tells you, do it.’
The instruction Jesus gave them was not the type they would have expected; He told them to fill the pots with water. That would have been rejected as foolish instruction by some people, saying, ‘We need wine not water.' But by obedience to that simple instruction they were able to get what they needed. You might be in need today because what you have is insufficient and you refused to obey God when He told you to give the little you had. All I want to say to you today is that whatever He tells you to do, do it; and your miracle is sure.

* Ask God to speak His Word into your situation.
* Pray that you will always be sensitive to God’s instruction.
Take a promise of God to you and instruct your challenge with it.
Give God thanks over the instruction because it cannot fail.

All you evil powers and covenants that have vowed to silence my testimony in 2016, break and perish, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

What Kind of Fruit?

Saturday 25 June
READ: Matt. 7:15-20

Jesus said, I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing: John 15:1. He clarified this statement by comparing people to trees, vines and plants. Fruits are products of life. Many people may not be able to identify an orange tree unless they see an orange fruit growing on it or an apple tree unless they see an apple growing on it. As trees are identified by their fruits, so do people identify Christians by the fruits they produce.
Literal fruit bearing depends on the type of soil, the amount of rainfall in the year, the season and cultivation. In the same way, bearing fruit spiritually depends upon some factors:

1. Death to self: a Christian remains unfruitful unless he/she dies to self and the world, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit: Jn. 12:24. When as Christians, we love what the people of the world love and do what they do, we become unfruitful. But when we become new creatures in Christ Jesus we can bear good fruits (Rom.7:4).

2. Abiding in Christ: living in Christ entails living a life that is pleasing to God by consistent obedience to the Word and the dictates of the Holy Spirit, Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me: Jn. 15:4 Jesus is the vine while the believers are the branches; our faithfulness depends on our relationship with Jesus. It is as we yield to God on a daily basis and live a life of constantly abiding in Him that we can bear expected fruits (II Pet. 1:5-8).
The Bible makes us to understand that God wants us to produce the fruits of righteousness (Phil.1:11). God is honoured by fruitfulness. As true believers, you should see that your life, attitude, behaviour and influence are different because what people see in you is your fruit. What kind and how much fruit do others see in your life?

* Ask the Holy Spirit to destroy every seed, tree or fruit growing inside you that the Father has not planted.
* Declare that you receive grace today to bear fruits of righteousness every day of your life.
* Ask for the Spirit of obedience to flood your life.

My destiny shall shine more and more, I shall not look back or go back, I shall reach my goal, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Purity is Power

Friday 24 June
READ: Psa. 15:1-5
MORE LESSONS: II Tim. 2:19-21

Purity is the standard of God for everything we do because it is His nature. God wants us to live a life that is free of pollutants, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Eph. 1:3-4. When we do, then we become His likeness and whenever He finds His likeness He bestows His all. An impure heart is a waste basket and the devil's workshop, Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe: Philistia, triumph thou because of me: Psa. 60:8.
God detests impurity of heart and life. For humans to become pure, he needs to be grafted on Jesus the main branch. As it is recorded in II Pet.1:3-4, divine nature is through the Lord Jesus Christ. Human effort cannot do it. The Bible says all human efforts to be pure and truthful is like a filthy rag (Isa. 64:6). When we believe God's provision for our purity, we will be able to live a pure life. Whenever a branch is properly grafted on the main stem, it will begin to bear the fruit of the stem. At the beginning it may not be total but as long as the branch remains and abides, the nature of the stem is transferred into it.
Purity of life starts from the heart. When the heart is pure and aligned with God's Word and purpose through the Spirit, then purity of life is possible. Your experience, your relationship and the fruit you bear are indicators of the state of your heart. When you are defeated every single time you are confronted by satan and unable to live a consistent Christian life, then your life purity is low. Inability to live up to the standard of the Word of God is another indication that the heart is not in a good state. When your heart is pure, you become a hot coal and a no-parking-zone for the enemy. Understanding God and His Word becomes easy because the heart is clean and free of filth. Such a believer becomes demon-proof .
Purity brings boldness and courage. It makes one to be at peace with God and man. Unusual favour of God begins to manifest in such people. Such a one can easily become a tool in the hand of God to dislodge darkness (II Tim.2:20). A pure man will always have God's approval as it was with Jesus, this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased: Matt. 3:17. May this be God's testimony for you also, in Jesus' name.

* Ask God for children that Heaven and earth will be proud of.
* Pray against any child’s wrong doing that could wipe away God’s favour from the entire family.
* Ask God to send more godly children to the earth through all waiting mothers in the church.

Satan, you are a liar, God’s promises over my life in 2016 will not fall to the ground, in the name of Jesus.