Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Not done with Me

Wednesday 29 June
READ: Mk. 7:24-30
MORE LESSON: Phil. 3:10-14

As I write this moment, I hear Heaven declare loudly like with a thousand voices, God is not done with you yet! To the rich, the poor, the intelligent, the most influential, popular and great, I say, God is not yet done with you. There is room for more, Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect…. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize....: Phil. 3:12-14. God has more than He has given you and He wants to give you more; He wants to take you further, so press on towards more. Don't stop at the “little” because God has greater, better and higher plans for you.
To the poor, defeated, delayed and depressed, today I hear God saying, God is not done with you yet! He has a plan for your lifting, breakthrough, restoration and prosperity. God is still at work; He is still giving children, marriage partners, healing, wealth, jobs, career success and breakthroughs. God didn't stop the work of creation until He finished. He is still at work on your matter and will not stop until He finishes. He has not yet gone to rest, and He will not until He is through with your case.
So, like Paul, press on until you reach the prize mark. Don't give up on yourself; quitters don't win, winners don't quit. If you don't stop, God won't stop. Press on like the Syrophoenician woman in our text; be deaf to all negative comments about your situation. Just refuse to give up your faith, hope and confidence in God, even if it’s an angel that said what discouraged you. Stay glued to the God who says, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth: Matt. 7:7-8.
Today, you may be down but tomorrow is still a credit! Just never say 'never', for God will never give up on him who refuses to give up on himself. Tell your enemies, For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief: Prov. 24:16. You will rise and your light will shine again. Glory days are here again! Friend, just stay righteous and hold on to God without despair, pressing on in prayer and faith and God will do it again.

* Lift up your hands and proclaim that this year will not pass without your answer.
* Ask that the Host of Heaven will take over your fight this year and give you victory.
Find any abandoned project/prayer requests in your life and prayerfully go back to them and shortly, success will come.
You can also tie a vow to the requests this time, just like Hannah did.

In the name of Jesus, I starve the root of my afflictions to death and I end my struggles permanently.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

''Well done, Good and Faithful Servant”

Tuesday 28 June
READ: Matt. 25: 19-23
MORE LESSON: Mk. 8: 36

I had a very brilliant colleague in primary school called Adams that I shared my lunch pack with so that he could teach me after class. He got admission into a federal school for his secondary education but I didn’t get. I eventually got admission to another secondary school, so I looked for him to appreciate him for his help when we were in primary school only for me to discover that he was dead. As a little unsaved primary school leaver, when I heard about the death of my friend, I felt God was not fair. I reasoned that the boy was too good and too brilliant to die. Adams got admission to one of the best schools ever but before he could complete form one, he was dead. And here was I for whom my father had to beg to find a place in a secondary school and struggled to pass the exam, still alive. I have grown up now to know that death is not a respecter of age, excellence, or wealth. Because I know it is a privilege to be alive, I must therefore give God my all. I must live a life that will earn me in Heaven: Welcome good and faithful servant from the Father. He deserves my all. All I am working for is that when I see Him, He will say, Well done, good and faithful servant.
Several great men walk this earth; national heroes, international award winners, rich men, powerful political and world renowned leaders who eventually die and everyone celebrate them. Thereafter, the world moves on. Very influential people die in plane crashes and one would have expected that their influence and positions would save them but no. Life is passing and eternity is real. Don't risk eternity for anything. The world and everything in it will pass away; the only thing that is worth working for is: Well done, good and faithful servant.
I decided long ago that I would not live for cars, popularity or success. My pursuit is that when I see God face to face, He will say, Well done, good and faithful servant. This should be your pursuit as well. What shall it profit a man if he gains the world and loses his soul? I heard of a man who had 50 children, and another who had over 50 wives, but it is amazing that no matter what you own in this life, without eternal life, it is all waste. I have seen a lot of great achievers die and their cases closed on this side of eternity.
Check your life; what is your pursuit? What are you living for? The end of all things is nearer than ever. It is high time you began to reconsider your priorities because time is running out. Friend, many things that you think are important now will soon prove to be unimportant and the only thing that will count will be whether or not when you meet God, He will say, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord: Matt 25:23.

* Pray that after all is said and done on the earth, you will not be turned back at the gate of Heaven.
* Pray that when the roll is called up yonder, you will be there.
* Pray against a successful life time devoid of eternal success.

In the name of Jesus, I decree over my life, the battle is won, the war is over, peace to my destiny!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Knowing the Mind of God

Monday 27 June
READ: Psa. 119: 161-168
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 119:7-16

One of the greatest assets of any child of God is knowing God's mind in anything. To know the mind of God is the first step to receiving anything from God, And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us: 1Jn. 5:14. It is so important, therefore, to learn how to know the mind of God.
God's Word is the most revealed mind of God to man. Everything that a man needs to know about God is in the Bible. The more of God's Word that you have in you, the more of God you will know. There are several other ways of hearing God and knowing His will but the most authoritative is the Bible. This is why you must love the Scripture; it is the source of your much sought peace and victory, Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them: Psa.119:165.
When you love God's Word, you will not have problem reading, meditating on and obeying it because what we love we adore, …but my heart standeth in awe of thy word: Psa. 119:161. Until the love of God's Word consumes you, it will be difficult to do quiet time, attend Bible study meeting or study the Bible on your own. Until you do these things, knowing God's mind to find God's answer to crucial matters of life will be near impossible. A man's love for God can be judged by his love for God's Word, which in turn can determine answer to prayer. Do you love God and His Word? How much of God's Word do you know? How much time do you devote to it? How many chapters of the Bible do you read daily? How obedient are you to the Word? God's mind is His Word; read it.

* Ask God to create in you a heart that loves His Word and obeys His will.
* Command the release of divine knowledge upon all your decisions and declare that you will not miss your way in destiny.
* Say, “Today, the Spirit of God shall lead my way and I shall laugh all day long”.
* Command today to release all its goodness to you now, in Jesus name.

Thank You Jesus, I shall end 2016 in laughter, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Do Whatever He Tells You

Sunday 26 June
READ: John 2: 1-11
MORE LESSON: : John 9: 1-7

Every man that wants to contact God needs to trust Him and obey every instruction that God gives. Checking through the Scripture, you will notice there is hardly any miracle that Jesus did for any man without a particular instruction to be obeyed. Those who obeyed the instruction had a testimony and those who didn't obey lost the miracles. Sometimes the things He tells us to do are not things that we would consider enjoyable but obedience to prophetic instructions is what guarantees miraculous manifestations. Anybody who wants to enjoy the blessings of the Lord must be ready to obey His instructions.
Jesus attended a marriage in Cana of Galilee with His disciples, and His mother was also there. When the celebrants needed a miracle because their wine had finished, the mother of Jesus approached Him and Jesus told her to leave Him alone because His time had not yet come. But thank God for Mary; she didn't argue but was determined that it was not the end of the matter. Many people miss their miracles because they take the answer 'no' too soon. Mary knew Jesus very well; you will only be able to get a miracle from God to the extent to which you know Him. She knew Jesus would not refuse someone who comes to Him for help and she also knew that Jesus would give them the miracle by giving an instruction. Therefore, she said to the people, 'Don't worry about what He said; He will do something soon, and whatever He tells you, do it.’
The instruction Jesus gave them was not the type they would have expected; He told them to fill the pots with water. That would have been rejected as foolish instruction by some people, saying, ‘We need wine not water.' But by obedience to that simple instruction they were able to get what they needed. You might be in need today because what you have is insufficient and you refused to obey God when He told you to give the little you had. All I want to say to you today is that whatever He tells you to do, do it; and your miracle is sure.

* Ask God to speak His Word into your situation.
* Pray that you will always be sensitive to God’s instruction.
Take a promise of God to you and instruct your challenge with it.
Give God thanks over the instruction because it cannot fail.

All you evil powers and covenants that have vowed to silence my testimony in 2016, break and perish, in the mighty name of Jesus.