Wednesday 13 July
READ: John 8:32
MORE LESSON: Luk. 24:13-31
An average Christian has information about the finished work of Christ. Many know about the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, the fact remains that the finished work of Christ is merely head knowledge to many. Most people have not really began to explore the authority Christ purchased for us on the cross of Calvary. The death of Jesus on the cross, His triumph over death and the victory He left for us need to be properly appropriated. Often times, when we find ourselves in difficult situations, we keep banging on the gates of Heaven calling on Jesus to descend. But the truth is that Christ never went away with the victory He won for us. He plainly stated this, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you: Lk. 10:19. He left the power with us; the power you are crying to Heaven to send down is already resident in you and you only need to have a revelation of it.
The reason situations in a believer's life seem to defy all solution is because the dividends of the finished work of Christ has not become reality to the believer. That is, it is still just information and not yet a revelation. Except you begin to exercise your authority over the forces attacking your destiny, satan will keep thriving on your ignorance. It is the truth you know and work with that makes you free not the one you are aware of. Move from just being aware of your place in Christ and start working in the reality of it.
Many people have information without revelation. Pontius Pilate was the man that handed Jesus over to the Jews. He had been looking forward to see Jesus and had been searching for the truth. However when Jesus, the Truth, stood before him, he could not recognise Him. He asked Jesus if He was a king and Jesus told him that He was. Pilate even wrote on the cross a sign that read, 'Jesus; the King o f the Jews.' but all these were information to him not a revelation. So he was not saved.
You could hear the Word a thousand times over, but until it becomes a revelation, it will be mere information that doesn't change you. It is the revelation of Jesus as King that puts an end to all life's struggles. The Word of God is a spirit and it is only by walking in the spirit that we can understand it. Therefore, the more of the Holy Spirit we allow in our lives, the more depth of God’s Word that we wil have. All who attempt to understand and interprete God’s Word by human knowledge will enter into error. But if we by prayer and deep connection to the Holy Spirit we seek to understand the Word, there can be no limit to the revelations. Next time you read the Word, ask the Holy Spirit to give you revelation.
* Pray that your eye of understanding be enlightened.
* Ask God to give you fresh revelation of His Word each time you read/hear it.
From today onward, as the Lord lives I shall never again be cited as a negative example, in the name of Jesus.