Tuesday 19 July
READ: Luke 18: 1 - 7
MORE LESSON: Gen. 18:17-33
People don't get answer to their prayers today because they fail to understand the principle of pressing forward. A woman in labour must continue to push until the baby comes out; if she dares stop pushing she may kill the baby and herself. The trouble may not give way immediately you begin to press but the trouble doesn't have the ability to last forever; it is just for a while! In the parable of the unjust judge, the judge said, Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me: Luke 18:5.
Everything that is worth doing is worth doing well. Everything that is worth having is worth pressing for. If your marriage is very important to you, then be ready to pay all the price you need to pay to make it the way you want it to be. The woman kept coming to the judge; she had no money to pay the judge; she had nothing that will make the judge to rise up on her behalf speedily except her persistent coming. Your continual working at your marriage, work, business, academics, spiritual life, child bearing or whatever project without giving up, fainting and losing strength will eventually qualify you for a miracle. The Bible says that the widow asked the unjust judge to avenge her of her enemies and he would not for a while (Luke 18: 4). Delay is not denial. The man would not answer her for a while but with persistence, she got him to. This woman was intentional and she got what she wanted from an unjust judge.
We have a Just Judge; our God. Our God is not an unjust God. Jehovah is a Just Judge so He will not give you failure when you are supposed to succeed. He will not deny you when you press. If the widow eventually got her desires with an unjust judge, then you will get yours with the Just Judge; the Creator of Heaven and earth, the Everlasting Father, who authored and finished the plan of your life, will not deny you. What you are experiencing today is not the end. All these things will turn out to be testimonies for you. You must press till you are victorious over that situation so that you will be able to comfort other people that will walk that path after you have come out of it. Congratulations, victory is yours.
* Father, thank You because You are always there for me.
* Pray that you shall not give up on God.
* Ask God for strength to push on till answer comes.
My father and my God, the strength of Jacob, please fast forward my miracles this month, in the name of Jesus.