Saturday 27 August
READ: Rom.14:17-19
MORE LESSON: 1Pet.3:12
The Kingdom of God is far more than we think and much more simple than we can imagine. Paul the Apostle gave us three components of God's Kingdom on earth.
1. Righteousness, which means, doing what is right, good and excellent. Anyone who professes to be a part of God's Kingdom must do what is right at all times. He must not be involved in destruction, bad acts or live hypocritical life.
2. Peace: this is an undisturbed state of mind, absence of conflict, and serenity. Heb.12:14 says, Follow peace with all men.... This implies that anyone who claims to be a member of God's Kingdom must always strive to be at peace with all men. The expectation of the Scripture is, If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men: Rom.12:18. Children of God must not love strife, trouble making, division and pain for other people. A peaceful heart and life is a proof of God's presence in a person's life.
3. Joy in the Holy Ghost, the third attribute, is very crucial because joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Ghost. Having joy is an indication of a good relationship with God and people. One of the things God always ensures His children have is joy (Jn 16: 23-24).
If a man is able to serve God with these three great attributes of
the Kingdom, some benefits accrue to him. These benefits include:
1. Acceptability to God: the man has free access to all things.
2. Approval of men (Matt. 3:16-17). A man approved of men will not need to struggle to serve God among men.
3. Peace (good for edifying one another. (Rom. 15:1-3).
Beloved, this list summarises all that the believers should strive to be on the earth, and Heaven will not take anything less.
* I destroy anything that is capable of taking me out of the Kingdom, in the name of Jesus.
Father, turn me to a spiritual magnet to attract and retain every blessing You send my way, in the name of Jesus.