Wednesday 21 September
READ: II Pet. 2: 20 – 22
MORE LESSON: Lk. 17: 32
The story of Lots's wife is a very touching one. A woman that was saved by the cover of the covenant suffered the same consequence as the wicked people of Sodom and Gomorrah just because she allowed herself to be distracted by the things she had left behind. She lost her privilege of deliverance, backslided and lost the glory of God. It was a small distraction and flickering thought that must have gone through her mind as she remembered something in the world. She just looked back; she had not even taken the step to return and that was all for her. It is actually little distractions that make men lose what God has for them. Some have lost eternity to such things as they turn back into old lifestyle and worldly pleasure. Some have lost the call and destiny of God to things that should be in the past.
The focus that should remain fixed on your heart is to keep Jesus as your goal till the very end. If you have not accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour, do it right away. The greatest honour that any man can have on earth is to be saved and sanctified in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are saved then you have the job of continuing in the way till the very end. Keeping your relationship with the Almighty God is the most important thing in life. Lot's wife lost her relationship by simple disobedience of looking where she was not supposed to. The Bible urges us to remember her so that we can learn from her and avoid such a fate. You need to daily pay attention to keeping your faith in God until you see Jesus.
Do not return to the sins of the world that you left. Satan is trying to drag people back to the world like dogs to their vomit. It is determination and grace that will make a believer to live a life that is worthy of the Lord till the end. Lot's wife today is a negative example of someone who missed it. You have to determine that you will be a good example for others who are coming behind. You will keep on the race until you see Jesus. Today there is new strength for your commitment and service to the Lord to the very end, in Jesus’ name.
Remember also Damus, who started well but ended as nobody (2Tim. 4:10) and Esau, who started as nobody, he even sought to have it back with tears but never got it again-Beloved don’t turn back.
* Father, having been saved by grace, I shall not face the consequence of sin with the wicked, in Jesus’ name.
* I break every link that tempts me to my old ways of life, in Jesus’ name.
Today, I command every ministry of evil spirits targeted at me and my family to expire now, in the name of Jesus.