Thursday, September 22, 2016

Advancing by Prayer

Thursday 22 September
READ: Acts 12:1-9
MORE LESSONS: Matt. 26:40-41

The challenges of the Church didn't start today, they started from the beginning. Herod vexed and persecuted the Church because the people were pleased when he killed James the brother of John. He then decided to take Peter and kill him also, And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people. Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him: vs4-5.
We have heard so much about prayer. James was killed because the Church refused to pray; and because the Church refused to pray Herod moved to kill Peter, but the Church had learnt her lesson. I pray for God's Spirit to move the Church so that she determines what happens to the Church and the nation. The Church can enthrone and dethrone; the Church can decree as the Bible says whatever you decree in the name of the Lord shall be established. The Church earnestly prayed and Heaven intervened and sent an angel to help Peter. God heard the prayer of the Church and sent an angel to the inner dungeon where Peter was kept in chains.
The angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison, and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, ...Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands: v7 The angel didn't bring a file to cut the chains but the presence of the angel of God changed the spiritual environment of the prison, Heaven took charge of the prison and miracles began to happen. When the Church prays, the chains the enemy has used to bind her will begin to break. Let the chains the enemy has used to gag the Church, preventing the Church from praying begin to break off, in the name of Jesus. Let the padlock the enemy used to lock the mouth of the Church open, in the name of Jesus. The chains broke by themselves and the doors opened of their own accord. All this happened because the Church prayed.
However, when the Church refuses to pray, men perish. These are the days of revival of prayer in the Church of Jesus so that the things that have stopped us from achieving our mandate will begin to give way. We can break the chains and open the doors by prayer. Pray; it starts with you and your family.

* Ask God to pour out upon the Church the Spirit, grace and supplication again.
* Pray against the force of prayerlessness in the church and your personal life.

Anointing to run well and finish strong, come upon me now, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Remember Lot’s Wife II

Wednesday 21 September
READ: II Pet. 2: 20 – 22
MORE LESSON: Lk. 17: 32

The story of Lots's wife is a very touching one. A woman that was saved by the cover of the covenant suffered the same consequence as the wicked people of Sodom and Gomorrah just because she allowed herself to be distracted by the things she had left behind. She lost her privilege of deliverance, backslided and lost the glory of God. It was a small distraction and flickering thought that must have gone through her mind as she remembered something in the world. She just looked back; she had not even taken the step to return and that was all for her. It is actually little distractions that make men lose what God has for them. Some have lost eternity to such things as they turn back into old lifestyle and worldly pleasure. Some have lost the call and destiny of God to things that should be in the past.
The focus that should remain fixed on your heart is to keep Jesus as your goal till the very end. If you have not accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour, do it right away. The greatest honour that any man can have on earth is to be saved and sanctified in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are saved then you have the job of continuing in the way till the very end. Keeping your relationship with the Almighty God is the most important thing in life. Lot's wife lost her relationship by simple disobedience of looking where she was not supposed to. The Bible urges us to remember her so that we can learn from her and avoid such a fate. You need to daily pay attention to keeping your faith in God until you see Jesus.
Do not return to the sins of the world that you left. Satan is trying to drag people back to the world like dogs to their vomit. It is determination and grace that will make a believer to live a life that is worthy of the Lord till the end. Lot's wife today is a negative example of someone who missed it. You have to determine that you will be a good example for others who are coming behind. You will keep on the race until you see Jesus. Today there is new strength for your commitment and service to the Lord to the very end, in Jesus’ name.
Remember also Damus, who started well but ended as nobody (2Tim. 4:10) and Esau, who started as nobody, he even sought to have it back with tears but never got it again-Beloved don’t turn back.

* Father, having been saved by grace, I shall not face the consequence of sin with the wicked, in Jesus’ name.
* I break every link that tempts me to my old ways of life, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I command every ministry of evil spirits targeted at me and my family to expire now, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Remember Lot’s Wife I

Tuesday 20 September
READ: Gen. 19: 12 - 26
MORE LESSON: 2 Pet.2:20-21

Lot's wife was a woman that had the privilege of escaping destruction yet on her way out, she broke the rule and eventually suffered the same fate as the evil doers. Lot was Abraham's nephew and because of God's covenant with Abraham, God sent angels to go and deliver Lot and his family from the destruction that would come upon the city of Sodom where they dwelt. They were the only family that God gave a room of escape in the whole nation of Sodom and Gomorrah. God told them to run out of the land and not look back but Lot's wife, probably, felt that she left some things behind and sought opportunity to go and get them. She looked back and became a pillar of salt. She must have responded to feelings, emotions and sight as she walked away from her treasure and friends. God told her to leave all but she still craved some. Anything you cannot leave for God will destroy you.
You might have been serving the Lord for a long time but know that until you cross the finish line, the battle is not yet over. Lot's wife had left Sodom and Gomorrah but she looked back. You must keep firing on in prayer, fasting consecration and commitment to the Lord. No man is given a crown until the race is over. Don't look back. Child of God, don't yield to temptation. Do not look back and return to the things you left behind. You left fornication, cheating and drinking, still stay out of it. Don't let the sight of the things of Sodom distract you back because they are all marked for destruction. The devil's kingdom has nothing good to offer you. Even the apples of Sodom that look juicy on the outside are laden with worms on the inside.
Lot’s wife desired the things she left behind and looked back. She had not even gone back, she only looked and it was over for her. So why do you want to go back? Do not be tired of your consecration and do not allow situations to discourage you from keeping on your journey of faith. I encourage you today to remember Lot's wife and what happened to her when she looked back. No matter what you have to lose and forfeit to continue on the journey of faith, please do. Don't return to the things of the world that you left. You will not be destroyed with the world, in Jesus’ name, For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul: Heb. 10:36-39.

* I forsake everything or cares of life that may have taken hold of me, in the name of Jesus.
* In the name of Jesus, I shall not draw back.

Father, today, open my eyes for insight, foresight and divine wisdom for supernatural operations, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, September 19, 2016

The God that Answers by Fire II

Monday19 September
READ: I Kgs. 18:25 - 39
MORE LESSON: Psa. 50:3

When the people of Israel forsook God and went after Baal, Elijah challenged them to come to Carmel. 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah versus one prophet of the Living God. One with God is the majority. Do not be afraid of standing up for God, even if you are the only one. When God stands with you, no multitude can bring you down. So Elijah told them to call on their gods and he would call on the name of the Lord.
The God that answers by fire will be the true God. The prophets of Baal called unto him but Baal could not answer. Elijah even told them to shout louder may be their god was sleeping and they had to wake him up. The prophets cut themselves with knives and thought their god would see blood and answer but there was no answer. Any one that requests for the blood of anything to get an answer is not a prophet but a herbalist. The only blood that brings answer is the Blood of Jesus. The only God that answers by fire is the Jehovah.
When it was time for Elijah to call upon God, he did some things before the fire fell.
1. He repaired the Altar (Verse 30). This stands for repentance from sin. Make the altar of your heart right with God and you will see answers by fire this year.
2. He set up twelve stones. This was to remind God of His covenant with Israel (verse 31). The covenant of the blood of Jesus is in every prayer you make.
3. He built an altar (verse 32). Altars are places of sacrifice. Do not run away from making sacrifices to God this year. Sacrifice commands fire to come.
4. He added water to the sacrifice (verse 33): Water stands for the Word of God (Eph. 5:26). Don’t pray aimlessly, get filled with God’s Word.
5. He did everything as God commanded (verse 36): Obedience commands fire. Obey every instruction from God and His servants this year.
As you engage these principles all the enemies that gang up against you will be destroyed like these false prophets. The fire of the Lord will fall and your answer will come, in the name of Jesus. Like Elijah, you will get victory over the enemies of the cross that rise up against you as God will stand up in your defence, in Jesus’ name.

* Oh God, contend with those that contend with me, in Jesus’ name.
* Oh God of my fathers, arise for me today, in Jesus’ name.
* I declare today that in every area of my life, there shall be answer for me, in Jesus’ name.

I receive the seven fold Spirit of the Almighty God, to rule my world from now on, in the name of Jesus.