Friday, October 7, 2016

Behold the Bridegroom Cometh

Thursday 6 October
READ: 1 Cor. 7: 29 – 31
MORE LESSON: Matt. 25: 1-13

The story of the ten virgins as recorded in Matt: 25: 1 – 13 is quite educating and revealing, especially to Christians in this generation. The Bible records in Matt 25: 5 that 'while the Bridegroom tarried . . . ' To tarry means to wait, to delay or fail to come after a long time. The first result of the delay was that the virgins slept, the second result was that the oil in all their lamps finished and the third result was that their lamps burnt out.
Like the bridegroom in the story, it has been two thousand years ago that the Master, the Bridegroom of the Church went to Heaven with the promise that He is coming back for the Bride (the Church) for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. For over two thousand years, the Church has been waiting and like the virgins, several have slept off, so much oil has gone dry and several lamps burnt out. One question is very relevant at this hour, and that question is, 'Child of God, are you still waiting.'
Another way of asking this question is, ‘Child of God, are you ready to meet with Him?' Remember that God is faithful to His promises, He promised Abraham that He would visit His children in Egypt and deliver them and take them to the Promised Land. He did exactly that after 430 years (Ex. 14:28 – 31). He also promised Jeremiah that He would end the captivity of the Zion in Babylon after 70 years and He did exactly that to the amazement of Israel (Ps 126: 1). In the same manner, at midnight, the Bridegroom terminated his delay and for the virgins. Matt 25: 6 said, . . . Behold the Bridegroom cometh . . . the Bridegroom will come like a thief in the night, He will come: In the twinkling of an eye, He shall come. Are you ready to meet Him?
It is my sincere prayer that all of us shall be ready throughout 2016, in Jesus’ name. The spirit of slumber and the spirit that drains and wastes spiritual strength will not prevail against you this year, in Jesus’ name. I pray for you that your love for God and for the things of God shall not wax cold in 2016, in Jesus’ name.
Lastly, the counsels of Jesus our Master in Mk 13: 33 that take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is (NKJV) and of Apostle Paul in Rom 13:11 – 14 that and do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed (NKJV). The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Receive the strength to live everyday like Jesus is coming that day.

* Ask God to make you ready for the coming of Jesus.
* Ask God to help you live each day with eternity in view.

Today, I send the stone of David to the forehead of every Goliath harassing my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A Goodly Child

Wednesday 5 October
READ: Exo. 2:1-4
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 139:14

No child born into this world is a product of an accident. God carefully fashioned everyone and created a purpose for which they are to fulfil. Nobody is in this world without a purpose and responsibility. One reason why some people do not succeed in God's purpose for their lives is lack of foresight on the part of their parents of the manner of children God has given them. Since they lack understanding, they are not able to instruct, guide and direct the path of their children from infancy.
Moses' parents had foresight. Moses was born at the time when all Israelites who gave birth to male children threw them into River Nile, in obedience to Pharaoh's decree. But when Moses' parents looked at the baby in their hand, they saw a “goodly”, “unique”, “fine”, “proper”, “extraordinary” child. They saw in that child a world-mover; a deliverer, a prophet, a miracle worker. They saw greatness, prosperity and success in their baby. What they saw in that baby made them to dare to disobey Pharaoh's decree and hid the child. By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden for three months by his parents because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment (Heb.11:23).
Parents, what good do you see in your children, and what are you doing to preserve that which you have seen in them? What are you doing now to help your children realise their dreams? It is unfortunate that some parents only see in their children folly, “block head”, “stupid child”, “you will never make it in life”, “good-for-nothing”, and these they yell at their children every time. What these parents do not know is that their words go a long way to rule over the destinies of their children. If you keep insulting your child as good for nothing and stupid, the forces of darkness may simply reckon your words as a curse upon that child and ride on that to afflict your child. Moses' parents saw in their child excellence, achievement, greatness and they worked Moses into it.
It is possible that your parents never saw anything good in you, and those around you never assisted you to pursue your dreams, but how do you see yourself? Moses grew up in Pharaoh's house, but he never saw himself as an Egyptian. By faith, Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter: Heb.11:24. Now that you are grown up, your destiny is in your hand. It is how you see yourself that matters. God created you great, and has purposed to use you for great things. Begin now to see yourself the way God created you, and you will enter into your greatness.

* Lord, let Your purpose for my children be fulfilled, in Jesus' name.
* Prophesy greatness over each of your children.

Today, I break every curse of profitless hard work in my life, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Building a Happy Home

Tuesday 4 October
READ: Gen. 2:15-25
MORE LESSONS: Col. 3:18-21

God has a plan for each of His children's home, presently or in the future. As the initiator of the institution of marriage, His desire is that no home fails. It is important for us as God's children, who want to be part of His heavenly desire in the place of marriage, to know God's original purpose for this institution and there are three major ones.
One, marriage was ordained for the mutual societal help and comfort which husband and wife ought to provide for each other, both in prosperity and adversity. Two, it was ordained in order that the natural instinct and affection implanted by God be allowed and directed aright, that is pure sexual life without fornication. Finally, it was ordained for procreation, that godly seeds may be raised on the earth.
Of all these, God's topmost priority from the beginning is not procreation, which unfortunately today is our number one purpose for marriage. His priority actually is for help, in prosperity and in adversity, And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him: v18. And God repeated this same thing in verse 20 …but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. Every other reason for marriage is God's plan but being an help is His priority. The question now is, “How helpful are you to your spouse or do you intend to be when you get married?” Until you are a helper to your spouse in all things: spiritual, physical, material, economic, health, etc, you are not yet building a happy home.
There are a few things and principles that God has set as standards and rules which, if applied, can make a happy home.
1. Husbands must love their wives unconditionally (Eph. 5:25).
2. Wives must submit to their husbands without reservation (Eph. 5:22).
3. In honour, they must prefer one another.
4. They must endeavour to keep the unity of the spirit.
5. They both must leave to cleave (Eph 5:31).
6. Finally, God hates divorce and husbands and wives must recognise and agree that according to God's Word, divorce is never an option (Mal. 2:16).
* Father, help my home to fulfil the divine purpose for establishing it, in Jesus' name.
* Father, make me a true help and a complement for my spouse, in Jesus' name.

Though my beginning be small, yet shall I greatly increase; I believe in the top and I shall get there, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, October 3, 2016

God’s Nature

Monday 3 October
READ: II Pe.t 1:4
MORE LESSONS: 1Jn. 2:12-20

We cannot get enough of the Word of God which brings God to us. The environment of Heaven finds expression in the Word of God. The more of the Kingdom of Heaven we want to experience, the more of the Word we must deliberately digest. Growing in the Word of God requires discipline and a lot of effort at first, but as we make a habit of reading and meditating on the Word, we soon begin to build our lives around it with ease. Every time we receive the Word, we receive God. All of this is simply to say that the reason God gave us His Word is to make us like Him.
Beyond the breakthroughs and miracles that we receive as we walk in God's Word, the ultimate invitation of God for us is to become like Him. This is the very heart -beat of the Father. God is building Himself into us by the instrumentality of His Word; He wants to totally transform us. This is the ultimate assignment of God's Word in us; to upgrade our present reality into God's realm of dominion. God is constantly changing our lives into His image. Through every victory, deliverance and healing, God is calling us to become channels of deliverance, healing and victory to the world around us. The life of God must be seen in and through our daily living, for this is the ultimate work of the Word in us. The Living Book is given to make us living books and epistles to our generation.
We are called Christians because our biggest responsibility is to be like Christ, walking in the divine nature of Christ; a life that absolutely portrays Heaven on earth. Jesus walked the earth many years and never fell sick, rather, He healed the sick. This is because no virus or disease can thrive in the divine nature of Christ, none, not one! The divine nature is an absolute supernatural life that natural people cannot resist. And this is one of the greatest tools for evangelism. God is calling us out of this present noise into maturity of soul and spirit. It is God's desire that every word of ours and deed beam the Gospel to that person who might never get to read a Bible, And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,...: Col. 3:17. Let us live in the consciousness that we are the living epistles of the Gospel of Christ today. For it is only through contact with the Word that we can impact our world.

* Father, help me to devote myself to Your Word.
* Father, let me manifest the seed of God in me in my character.
* Because I have the nature of God, sickness, diseases and sin shall not reign in my body.

In the name of Jesus, this month will not go without good results!