Sunday 30 October
READ: Matt. 2: 11
MORE LESSON: 2 Sam. 6: 21 - 22
The wise men came to the Child Jesus and fell prostrate on the ground in worship. These men were not small both in age and status but they fell prostrate before a child. This shows that when it comes to worshipping God, no man should claim age, wealth or academic qualification. All these should be put aside for the worship of the King.
I can relate to this from experience as my maternal uncle was a prominent king and I remember that on the day of his coronation, all the children and younger siblings of the king were called and were educated on the importance of the new role and status that we were about to assume. From that experience, I learnt a few things on the honour of a king.
1. The king never bows to anyone but all bow to him. I noticed to my surprise that even when the mother of the king came to greet him, the king merely brandished the horse tail that he was holding in his hand to her. I expected the king would prostrate to greet his mother as is the custom in the Western part of Nigeria. In Africa, especially in my native region, when you meet an elderly person, you prostrate in honour, more so when you greet your parents; you simply go on the floor. However, for the king, his mother kneels before him and he waves the royal emblem to acknowledge her greeting. You can't worship the mother of the King; you only worship the King. Even the mother of the king worships the king.
2. The king ordains some chiefs and many of them are elderly people. In fact, in the case of my uncle there was a particular elderly woman that was ordained into the official position of the 'mother of the king'. However even though these men were all chiefs, they all, including the said 'mother of the king' bowed to the king. The fact that God called a man and ordained him doesn't mean he should stand tall as others worship the king. We must all lie prostrate before the King.
3. In my culture, you prostrate before an elderly person. However, when you want to greet the king, you don't only put your two hands on the ground and your chest on the floor, you also turn from one side to the other as you roll on the ground before the king. While you do all the rolling, the king merely sits, nods and waves his horse tail at you. It is all about willingly throwing away your self-dignity as you acknowledge the king's higher dignity. King David understood this in 2 Sam. 6: 22 when he chose to become undignified before God –the King of kings.
Beloved, it is time to worship the King of kings.
* Declare as you bow to the King of kings that every situation will bow to you today, in Jesus’ name.
* Worship the King because His dominion is an everlasting dominion.
Any battle packaged against me to delay my God-ordained blessing and breakthrough be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.