Thursday 10 November
READ: Prov. 1: 29 – 33
MORE LESSON: Josh. 24: 15
Many things in life are choices. Poverty is a choice, wealth is a choice, success is a choice and failure is a choice. Sin is a choice and righteousness is a choice. It is a man that chooses where he wants to be in life. Many people do not want to hear this truth because it places responsibility on their shoulders for where they are in life. They would have loved to claim that where they are in life is not their choice; it just happened. They would have loved to blame their background, relatives, witches, demons, the national economy or fate for their predicament. They will never agree that where they are today is a direct outcome of the choices they made in life. This perspective and mindset of unwillingness to accept responsibility has made greatness elude many. You must accept responsibility to choose and develop the discipline to live the life that leads to your desired destiny. A wise man once said, 'If you fail, it is your fault and if you succeed, it is your fault'.
A man chooses in life by the things he does and how he does them and not necessarily by raising up his hands and speaking out a choice. A man that refuses to follow God's principle for prosperity is choosing poverty, even if he never verbalised such choice. A lady that promotes nudity and wears skimpy dresses, has made a choice for immorality; this is because she can be raped and will definitely have immoral men swarming after her like ants after sugar. A Christian whose closest friends and confidants are all unbelievers has chosen failure in life and destiny. This is because when he has an issue and he needs counsel, he goes to the unbelievers who will not give him advice from the wisdom of Jehovah but from the wisdom of the world that comes to nought (1 Cor. 2: 6). So such a believer's life comes to nought as well. If an unbeliever that has divorced his spouse and is living in unfaithfulness is your trusted marriage counselor whose words you esteem above the words of the spiritual leaders that God has graciously placed over your life, then whether you agree or not, you have made a choice for a marriage that will hit the rocks.
The good news is that you can choose life. You can choose to be wealthy, successful and impactful. It is not too late to make this choice for greatness, success and strength; all you have to do is to start to do the things that the Word of God has outlined that make for success. Job 34: 4 says, Let us choose to us judgment: let us know among ourselves what is good. Choose strength, success and greatness today by searching and obeying God's principles. Choose life by giving your life to Jesus Christ.
* Father, I receive power for wisdom for rightful decision in life and destiny.
* Father, I renounce every association and relationship that will not help my decision making, in Jesus’ name.
* I choose life, prosperity, success, righteousness, in Jesus’ name.
Today, I decree a new season of gladness and joy upon my life, in the name of Jesus.