Sunday 13 November
READ: Matt. 25:9
MORE LESSON: Gen. 39: 1-9
A child of God must know what to accept and what to reject. You can't accept everything that is presented to you because you do not want to offend people. Accepting everything that people present to you is not being nice. Learning how to say 'not so' is part of wisdom. You must say it to men when necessary and you must say it to the devil every time he suggests his offers to you. Answering the devil back is a vital tool in spiritual warfare. Never let the devil have the final word in your life and matter. Tell him, 'not so, Mr. Devil.' Be informed that there is nothing that satan offers you that you must consent and there is nothing he says that you should keep quiet. The right answer to defeat the devil on any case is, ''not so”.
When he suggests that little headache is not bad, after all everyone has headache now and then, tell him not so; Jesus has borne all my sickness and diseases. If he tells you that the course in school is difficult and it is okay to fail it since there is massive failure, tell him “not so”. The fact that everybody failed doesn't mean you should fail. Sometimes he uses prophets of doom and evil dreams to tell you that the journey you want to embark on will have challenges on the way; tell him “not so”. The Lord has promised to preserve your going out and coming in. Even if he brings the matter to your sight and you are looking at it with your naked eyes, still look at him and tell him, 'not so'. Walking by faith entails looking into the spiritual rather than the physical and that means you have to look at the devil plus his concrete evidence and tell him, “not so”.
Faith confuses satan. When he talks and you answer back with wisdom and boldness, he is scared. When the devil brings an offer and you tell him, 'not so', he trembles. This is because he realises that he has no right over you as long as you do not give him a chance. So, your 'not so' actually means 'satan, I disqualify you and disallow you on this matter.' Remember, the Scripture says, ...neither give place to the devil: Eph 4: 27. How do you refuse the devil a foothold in your life?
1. By telling him, 'not so!'-Jam.4:7.
2. By not keeping evil company- ICor. 15:33.
3. By loving God and resisting evil-Isa. 1:16-17.
4. By refusing to love the world-I Jn. 2:15-16.
5. By seeking for divine assistance in matters that seem confusing in life instead of keeping secrets or struggling alone.
6. By praying and committing every evil request that comes to you to God-Prov. 3:5.
* I resist every evil suggestion of satan contrary to the Word of God, in Jesus’ name.
* Satan you have no memorial over my life and destiny, in Jesus’ name.
* I renounce every appearance of evil, no way today, in Jesus’ name.
Every persisting wind contrary to my lifting, in the name of Jesus, fade away.