Sunday 27 November
READ: Matt. 24: 4 - 8
MORE LESSON: Matt. 24: 35 - 36
When I was in secondary school, I heard people say Jesus was coming on a particular day. We waited and waited and it turned to be a lie. At the turn of the millennium, there was so much said about the end of the age and that Jesus would come. Years have gone by and their predictions have turned out to be lies. The next time anybody tells you that Jesus will come on a particular date, just look the person straight and tell him that he lies. This is because the supreme Word of God settled it by saying, But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only: Matt 24:36. Even Jesus didn't give a date but He gave signs.
In the text, when the disciples asked Jesus the signs of His coming, He told them, take heed that no man deceive you .... So do not be deceived because there will be a lot of religious, political, financial deceptions and lots of lies. In Oyingbo, Calabar, Ibadan and diverse places, we see many people claiming that they are the Christ and multitudes flocking to them. Some of these so-called christs died and the inner caucus of their cults used someone else to camouflage and continue as if the man was still alive. The deceived multitudes keep following the false Christ 'that lives on'. That is a sign that the end is come upon us. Another sign is pointed out by scriptures as wars and rumors of wars. Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Sudan, Russia, the list goes on and even in our neighbourhood we see religious wars and hear rumours of war everyday. It takes a man that is hardened not to believe that these are truly the days of His return.
When you read through the scripture that talks about the coming of the Lord, you will see that virtually all the signs that were told by the Lord have been fulfilled in our days. This is the reason you must know that the days are truly upon us. The date is unknown but the signs are clear. So if men fixed dates and it turned out to be lies, you must know that it doesn't mean the fact that He will return is a lie. From the signs we can fix the correct date, and that date is 'any moment from now'. Jesus can return before today is over, prepare to meet the Lord.
* Lord, help me to be prepared for Your coming.
* I receive the Spirit of God to discern every deception of satan.
* Let Your Word enlighten my understanding on the signs of Your coming.
Jehovah is the strength of my life,though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear, in this one thing will I be confident, that Jehovah leads my battles, in the name of Jesus.