Monday, November 28, 2016


Monday 28 November
READ: I Thess. 4: 16 - 18
MORE LESSON: : I Thess. 5: 1 - 9

From creation through different dispensations in the dealing of God with man, the eternal agenda of God unfolds. God is not a God of chance and error working haphazardly. Like a master-strategist, He is working with an eternal plan and takes each move at the right time. God is a God of times and seasons and makes everything beautiful in His time, as portrayed in Eccl. 3: 11, He hath made everything beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. The birth of His Son, Jesus Christ, which was prophesied dispensations earlier, was unfolded at the right time. According to Gal 4: 4, When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. The resurrection of Jesus also happened after He spent the appointed number of days in the grave. The Holy Spirit was released at the fullness of time for Pentecost.
It is time again for another major step in the eternal agenda of God. Be it known to you today that the next thing on God's agenda is the returning of His Son Jesus Christ. God sent His Son to die at the right time, He raised Him from the dead at the appointed time and He is going to make Him come back to bring the saints home at the appointed time. The appointed time for the coming of the Lord is now! The fullness of time has come and it could happen any moment from now. The next most important agenda of God on the face of the earth is what is popularly called the rapture.
The word rapture is not in the Bible. However, it is a generally accepted doctrinal term which is used to describe the 'catching away' of the saints to meet the Lord in the sky. 'Rapture' is used to describe the global event when the Lord will appear in the cloud with a mighty trump and all those that are ready will be caught up to be with Him, The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord: 1 Thess 4:16-17.
Any man that misses the rapture is in for great trouble. His eternal chances are dimmed as such will be left behind to face untold tribulations. Remember the great hymn which says, When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, the time shall be no more. Remain rapturable.

* Today and for the rest of my life, I will live a rapturable life.
* I refuse to be distracted by the cares of this world.
* Lord, help me so that I will not live like the unwise virgins or the foolish rich man, in Jesus’ name.

Rise God of Israel, the warrior of old who never loses a battle, and end my battles, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Signs of His Return

Sunday 27 November
READ: Matt. 24: 4 - 8
MORE LESSON: Matt. 24: 35 - 36

When I was in secondary school, I heard people say Jesus was coming on a particular day. We waited and waited and it turned to be a lie. At the turn of the millennium, there was so much said about the end of the age and that Jesus would come. Years have gone by and their predictions have turned out to be lies. The next time anybody tells you that Jesus will come on a particular date, just look the person straight and tell him that he lies. This is because the supreme Word of God settled it by saying, But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only: Matt 24:36. Even Jesus didn't give a date but He gave signs.
In the text, when the disciples asked Jesus the signs of His coming, He told them, take heed that no man deceive you .... So do not be deceived because there will be a lot of religious, political, financial deceptions and lots of lies. In Oyingbo, Calabar, Ibadan and diverse places, we see many people claiming that they are the Christ and multitudes flocking to them. Some of these so-called christs died and the inner caucus of their cults used someone else to camouflage and continue as if the man was still alive. The deceived multitudes keep following the false Christ 'that lives on'. That is a sign that the end is come upon us. Another sign is pointed out by scriptures as wars and rumors of wars. Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Sudan, Russia, the list goes on and even in our neighbourhood we see religious wars and hear rumours of war everyday. It takes a man that is hardened not to believe that these are truly the days of His return.
When you read through the scripture that talks about the coming of the Lord, you will see that virtually all the signs that were told by the Lord have been fulfilled in our days. This is the reason you must know that the days are truly upon us. The date is unknown but the signs are clear. So if men fixed dates and it turned out to be lies, you must know that it doesn't mean the fact that He will return is a lie. From the signs we can fix the correct date, and that date is 'any moment from now'. Jesus can return before today is over, prepare to meet the Lord.

* Lord, help me to be prepared for Your coming.
* I receive the Spirit of God to discern every deception of satan.
* Let Your Word enlighten my understanding on the signs of Your coming.

Jehovah is the strength of my life,though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear, in this one thing will I be confident, that Jehovah leads my battles, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Strength for Zero Hours

Saturday 26 November
READ: I Kgs. 19: 1 - 8
MORE LESSON: Isa. 40: 31

There comes a time in life when an achiever just feels downcast and weak. You have been moving on and you have been greatly helped by God but at that point, it seems as if you are just tired of everything. Boredom sets in, you realise that you are no longer enjoying what you do. Fear, doubt and weakness arise and zeal goes down. It is like a vehicle that is rusty and unserviced and you feel you can't go on anymore. I want you to know that such things happen even to great men and great women. The difference is always in the way you handle it.
Elijah had just done one of the greatest exploits in history; he challenged the false gods and their priest to a duel on Mt. Carmel where He called down fire from Heaven. The people of Israel praised and turned back to God. Then one woman threatened Elijah and he ran away and was begging God to take his life because he was so weary, downcast and tired of life. Here is what he said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers: 1 Kings 19:4. When you get to this point, you begin to feel inadequate and afraid that you will fail.
There is strength for such zero hours. When it looks like you have reached level zero and you are afraid that you may not be able to rise again, you can let God pick you and raise you again. The Word of God is what you need to be spoken into your life at such times. At such moments, remember scriptures like, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind: II Tim 1:7. Say, ...for the joy of the LORD is your strength: Neh. 8: 10, and I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me: Phil. 4: 13, ...greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world: 1Jn. 4:4.
Eventually, as Elijah retreated to the wilderness, God showed up for Elijah and gave him food to eat. And the angel of the Lord came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee: 1 Kings 19:7. When the journey of life becomes too great for you, you need spiritual food so that you can be rejuvenated. You might need to retreat into God's presence or find someone to speak the Word of God into your life. As you draw strength from God at points when all your strength is gone, you will bounce back from weakness and continue to advance in your glorious destiny. One more thing, never give in to fear, worry, doubt, or any satanic suggestions that may be flowing into you at such time. Rather, doubt your doubts, read and confess God’s Word. Never stay down, rise up and work.

* Declare in faith, I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.
* Declare, not by my strength but by the Spirit of the Lord I will make it.
* Lord, refresh and renew me for the journey ahead, in Jesus’ name.

I am from above, I shall be above all and I'm not coming down, saith the Lord, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, November 25, 2016


Friday 25 November
READ: I Sam. 30: 1- 8
MORE LESSON: I Sam. 30:18-19

David was attacked by the enemy and all he had was taken from him. He was weak, discouraged and wanted to give up on life. Even his men were crying and decided to stone him but David encouraged himself in the Lord. At this time, David asked the Lord and the Lord told him to do something that we can learn from.
These are days that men that want to amount to something worthwhile in destiny cannot afford to wait around for results to drop on their lap anymore. This is the age when men understand that you have to go and get it if you must have it. Friend, you cannot sit down in one place waiting for opportunities anymore. These are days when you must go forth and create the opportunity that you seek. If all you do is to sit at the same place fasting, praying and memorising the Bible until thy kingdom come, you may have a good certificate in spirituality and memory verses but as far as results are concerned on this earth, you will be in lack.
Fasting, prayer and reading the Bible are vital in succeeding in life. However, David got to a very crucial stage of his life when he had no strength left to fast, pray or make faith confessions. The Lord at that time told him that the only rescue for his situation was to pursue. The mentality that will rescue your destiny is that of an ardent pursuant. At the point of crisis, the Lord looked David in the face and told him to pursue if he must recover his lost possession.
Victory in life is for those who are ready to pursue it. Men that will get to the place of fulfilment in destiny are not men that leave things to chance; they are men that hold to the Word of God and pursue after what the Lord has promised them. Luke 16:16 says, The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. These are days when each man must press into his own portion. According to the Scripture, From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it: Matt 11:12-13 (NIV).
Academic excellence will not fall into your pocket; pursue it. Prosperity will not come by wishing; it will only come when you take steps to pursue. Greatness and victory in spiritual warfare must be pursued. Success doesn't happen accidentally, it must be pursued. A man can fail by mistake but no one ever succeeds by mistake. You can't achieve continual lasting success by mistake. You only achieve such level of success when you deliberately pursue it. Today, God's word to you is that you should pursue and you will overtake and recover all.

* I receive grace to keep moving forward in destiny, in Jesus’ name.
* I shall not faint or give up in the fight of destiny.
* I receive grace to refine and to launch out again where I have failed.

God is my Father, He is the owner of times and seasons, His appointed time for me shall not fail, in the name of Jesus.