Tuesday 29 November
READ: Phil. 1: 21-23
MORE LESSON: Ezek. 33: 12-19
Death is a certain reality that men must face. Searching through scriptures, we see that death will definitely come to all men if Jesus tarries. The right prayer is not to die an untimely death and if Jesus appears before death comes, that you will be caught up in rapture with Him. There are two definitions and perspectives that we can look at death from. The first is that death is the door that opens a man into eternity. This shows that death is not the end after all but the beginning of eternity. This is what some people do not understand that makes them get tired of life and commit suicide. They think that by so doing, they will end all their misery, distress and unbearable pains in life. Such people die only to realise that they have opened the door to another life with a beginning but no end where their misery, pains and distress is amplified without a hope of escape. It is a sin for any man to take any life, including his own. No man can create life and no man should take life. No matter the pain and agony in this life, a man must rest in God and draw succour from Him to overcome the challenges of life. No man should take his own life. Allowing Jesus into your heart will bring all the comfort and succour that you need to face and overcome the challenges of life.
Another definition of death that should be noted is that death is separation. A good understanding of death is to see it as a true separation. When a man dies physically, he is separated from his body. The spirit and soul of the man move into the realm of eternity and his body returns to dust. Physical death is also separation from friends, loved ones and other people on earth. Since we will be separated from all these things on earth, we must be wise in our approach to them.
Spiritual death is separation from God. When a man is spiritually dead, he is separated from God. A man does not have to die physically before he is separated from God spiritually. As long as a man is not connected to the Spirit of God through Jesus Christ, he is spiritually dead. This means that a man can be physically alive but spiritually dead. Such is the fate of every man that is alive physically but has not accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
Jesus is Life. Life is the only victory over death; when you accept Jesus Christ into your life; you have accepted the Life that death cannot overcome. The Spirit of Life in Jesus Christ is in you and death will not have power over you in Jesus name. The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die: Ezek. 18:20-21.
* Renew your commitment and love for God and His kingdom.
* Ask the Lord to make you an effective tool in His hands.
* Tell the Lord that you will not see death until your mission here on earth is fulfilled.
The heaven and earth shall declare Your glory upon my life and my enemies shall live to see it and be dumbfounded, in the name of Jesus.