Sunday 18 December
READ: Isa. 61: 7
MORE LESSON: Psa. 126: 1 - 6
Divine restoration is possible. In fact from the text of today, we can see that divine restoration is God's will for you. God desires that in all the places where you have been disgraced you become celebrated and that for all that you have lost, there is a double restoration to you. However, you have to know how to activate divine restoration in your life. The following steps are to be
followed in receiving restoration.
1. Identify what you have lost: If you don't realise that you have lost something, there will be no need to look for it. You can only find what you seek (Matt. 7:7).
2. Believe that God is able to restore whatever you have lost; you must appreciate the fact that if God has done it before, He can do it again. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. If He did it for people of old and has not denied men in contemporary times, your case cannot be an exception for God is good to all that call upon Him.
3. Fight back: the only language the enemy understands is that of violence and resistance. Jam. 4: 7 says, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Jesus himself puts it this way, that the violent takes it by force. The enemy is only as powerful to the extent that he is allowed room for operation, the day you rise up and talk back to him on the strength of your position in Christ, he will give way and let go of whatever he has stolen. Don't keep quiet over what you have lost, fight back!
4. Never give up; keep hope alive. Sometimes discouragement may arise in your heart when you look at how much damage has been done. It might even be as a result of your own errors and as such you think you don't have the morality to fight back. But I have good news for you that this battle is not in your name; this battle is the Lord's and you know what, this is a valid stance that even the enemy cannot contend with. Know this, that you are more than a conqueror through Christ. Keep hope alive!
5. Do something: Having done all, stand. You can't afford not to act in line with your conviction; for faith without works is dead. Whatever you were not able to do because of what was lost, start doing it now.
* Ask the Lord to restore to you all that you have lost, in Jesus’ name.
* Receive grace to stand firm until your change comes, in Jesus’ name.
God of second chance, cause all my delays to become a testimony before this year runs out, in the mighty name of Jesus.