Sunday 15 January
READ: Matt.13:5-7, 20-22
MORE LESSON: Isa.1:18-20
A backslidden heart is one that has gone astray or left the path of God to follow after worldly cravings. Though such a heart has not renounced God, he has no love and affection for God and the things of God anymore. It is a heart that has been choked up by the cares of this world. A backslidden heart is one to which satan has easy access, ensnares and lures back to those things which the heart has once rejected and renounced. The backslidden heart now accommodates those things and finds excuses for them. Since his love and affection for God has grown cold, the backslidden no longer enjoys the fellowship, prayer, reading the Bible, going to church, giving offerings, paying tithes, etc. Such things become a burden and something inside him tells him they are a waste of time and energy.
A heart that is backslidden from God easily finds company, pleasure and comfort with people who do not talk about God while the people of God are offensive to him. The backslidden heart loves the world and the things therein contrary to the scripture which says, Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever: 1John 2:15-17.
A stubborn heart is one who does not yield in obedience to God and the path of righteousness. Although he believes in the supremacy of God, he will go headlong to do what he wants rather than what God wants. The conscience of a stubborn heart is not completely broken, so his will easily overrides God's purpose. Even when he is repentant, he still wants things his own way (1Sam.15:24-25). Hebrew 2:1 says we must take earnest heed to the things we have been taught lest we drift away. The antidote to backsliding is to consciously examine yourself at the end of each day whether you are doing the things a forward moving believer is supposed to do, and make amends as necessary.
* Lord, deliver me from the spirit of backsliding, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive power to do only those things that give Jesus pleasure, now and forever, in the mighty name of Jesus.
My light will shine in 2017 and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it, in the most powerful name of Jesus.