Tuesday 17 January
READ: 2 Kings 6: 1 - 7
MORE LESSON: Psa 127: 3 - 5
The sons of the prophet called their father Elisha and begged him to let them a build bigger place for him. The explanation of the story in the text is that the sons of the prophet were ministers in training staying with Elisha and learning from him. They came to Elisha and told him that they noticed that it was getting too tight in his house where all of them were staying. They begged him to allow them go and build a bigger place for him so that it could conveniently contain them and he would also have a bigger space. You would notice that it was not Elisha that complained that the house was too small and jam-packed; they beseeched him to let them build a bigger place. These sons of the prophetic showed themselves to be responsible children.
It is always pleasing to parents when they have responsible children in the house. Such children identify problems and take initiative to solve them without anyone pursuing them around. Identifying and solving problems by self-initiative shows a sense of responsibility. It is always a thing of joy for a man to have grown to a point that the children he raised can solve his problems. Even if he has what it takes to solve the problems himself, he doesn't get as much fulfilment as when children solve them. It is not about the solution, it is more about the fulfilment and joy of having responsible children.
The sons of the prophet begged their father to go with them to the work site and Elisha left his tight ministerial schedule to follow them. Responsible children will always have the backing of their father. When they were at the site, the axe of one of them fell into the water. Thankfully, Elijah was around so he stood in his office as the prophet of God and commanded a miracle there and then. Responsible children also enjoy the miraculous because the grace of the father is released with the whole of his heart when they have a need and he prays for them. How will the grace of God on the life of Elisha not be stirred, when one of his spiritual children comes to tell him that he borrowed an axe to build for the prophet and now the axe has fallen into the water? The man actually went out of his way to borrow in order to get a bigger lodge for the prophet and he was in trouble. Miracle must surely be commanded. My prayer for you today is that you will be a responsible child of God in His church and of your parents, both biological and spiritual.
* Lord make me responsible to my spiritual and biological parents/guardian, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God that the blessings of a responsible child shall not elude you.
**Do something memorable for your parents today.
Jesus, light of the world, illuminate my destiny today, in the name of Jesus.