Friday 20 January
READ: Exo. 2: 1 - 9
MORE LESSON: Heb. 11: 23
God had a great destiny for Moses to be the deliverer of Israel. He was born at a time when Pharaoh had declared that all male children of the Israelites were to be killed. In order to preserve Moses as a baby, his parents had to make a basket of bulrushes and keep him on the River Nile. Keeping a child in a basket to float on a river is a big risk; the child could be carried away to where he would not be found or he may even drown. However, Moses was divinely connected and so his destiny was preserved.
Pharaoh’s daughter came to the River to take her bath on the very day that Moses was kept on the river. The daughter of a king had all the best bathrooms at her disposal and could even command her attendants to go and fetch water for her if she wanted to bathe with the water from that river by all means. She must have been prompted by the Lord as she left all the luxury of the palace and trekked all the way to the river to take a bath. When she got to the river she found Moses and from there onwards, the destiny of Moses took a new turn.
There is someone that needs to find you so that your destiny can enter into the place that God has ordained for you. When God connects you to the person that He has appointed as the doorway for your next level, your struggles will be over in a moment. How do you explain what happened to Moses? His mother was called upon to take care of him and she was paid handsomely and regularly to train her own child. Moses became a prince who had access to the best of education, life and everything in the land. He was adopted as the child of Pharaoh and had a portion of the throne of Egypt. All these happened without him losing his eternal connection to the covenant of God with Israel as he was with his family to tell him the true story of his life and continually teach him about the laws and covenant of the God of Israel.
Moses grew up and was able to fulfil his destiny in God but it all started with a divine connection that God granted him as a child when he couldn't even arrange anything for himself. This shows that destiny is not fulfilled as a function of arranging human connections for oneself but by seeking God to divinely connect you with the persons He has ordained for you. It is your turn to be found, connected and lifted by God, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Ask God to divinely locate you for destiny connection, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Ask God for ceaseless divine connections.
* Announce the connection you are believing God for, in the name of Jesus.
As the sunrays break forth without hindrance so shall I break forth into victory, in the mighty name of Jesus.