Sunday, February 5, 2017

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob II

Sunday 5 February
READ: Gen. 12:1–3
MORE LESSON: Gal. 3:29

One of the benefits of spiritual sonship is that the grace of God in the life of the father will begin to speak in the lives of all the children that are truly connected to his loins. When the Pharisees claimed to be children of Abraham, Jesus told them that if they were Abraham’s children, they would do the works of Abraham (John 8:39). As a child of Abraham, the blessings of Abraham should happen in your life as your covenant birthright.
One of the blessings of Abraham is greatness; greatness begets more greatness. Abraham was not just a rich man but a great man. He was honourable, influential and had a great, respected name. His children were also people of influence and high position. Imagine a man whose children are presidents, governors and ambassadors, in the society such a man can never be counted as a mean man. This is what God did for Abraham, according to Gen. 17:4 – 6, As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations. No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you.
Isaac was a great man. Gen. 26:13 records, …the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great. Also, his children were not mean people; they were great. As a matter of fact, when Isaac’s wife was pregnant, God told her that two nations, not mere children, were in her womb (Gen. 25:23). After that God located Jacob and said to him: I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings hall come from your body: Gen. 35:11. Every child that comes from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob become great nations. Abraham was great, Isaac waxed greater, and Jacob became a great nation. As the lineage progressed, the greater they became. It is like a graph of greatness that is going higher and higher from the father to the children. When you extrapolate this graph from Abraham and let it keep going till it reaches you, you will see the height Jehovah expects you to be placed now.
As a child of Abraham, greatness is your portion. Every child, both spiritual and physical, that comes out of your loins is destined for greatness. Jehovah’s expectation for you is that whenever you are located, you should climb the ladder of the covenant to get the highest position. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the God of greatness and abundance. He is also your God and what He has done in their lives, He will do in yours.

* Today I connect to the grace of my spiritual father (name) for exploits, in Jesus’ name.
* By reason of the connection to the God of greatness, I shall be great, in Jesus’ name.

Father, this day light my candle, don’t let darkness prevail over my destiny, in the name of Jesus,

Saturday, February 4, 2017

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob I

Saturday 4 February
READ: Exo. 3:15
MORE LESSON: Mk. 12:26–27

God has identified Himself to men both in the Old and New Testaments as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of the fathers is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8). This means that what He did in the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He can also replicate in your life. There are many ways God revealed Himself in the lives of these patriarchs but specific note is the fact that He revealed Himself through them as the wealthy God. When you study the lives of these fathers of the faith, you will realize that the covenant of wealth was mightily at work in their lives. Whatever these men did prospered so much so that they all became an economic force among the nations that surrounded them. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is not a God of the poor; He is the God of the rich. This is the reason it is your turn to be rich by same covenant of blessing that God made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The Bible records, …Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold: Gen. 13:2. In Isaac’s case, Gen. 29:13-16 says that the man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. He had flocks of servants that the Philistines envied him, … Abimelech said to Isaac, “Move away from us; you have become too powerful for us’: Gen. 26:16 (NIV). When it was Jacob’s turn, it was written concerning him that the man became exceedingly prosperous, and had large flocks, female and male servants, and camels and donkeys (Gen. 30:43). The blessing was passed to Jacob ahead of his brother Esau, and so Jacob was a wealthy man. However, even Esau, who only got crumbs out of the blessing of Abraham, was not a poor man. Gen. 36:6-7 says that Esau took all his abundant substance and went into the country from the face of his brother Jacob. For their riches were more than what the land could support.
You can’t be less than what God has done for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You are a child of Abraham by faith in Jesus Christ (Gal. 3:14) and the works of Abraham must be seen in your life (John 8:39). The God of the fathers is your God, so what He did for Abraham, continued in the life of Isaac and accomplished in the life of Jacob will be perfected in your life. It is time for you to prosper by the covenant of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in Jesus’ name.

* I key into the covenant of the blessing by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
* Because I serve the God that owns Heaven and earth, I reject poverty, in Jesus’ name.

Father, the sound of rejoicing is my portion this month, there shall be no evil gathering around me, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, February 3, 2017

No More Darkness

Friday 3 February
READ: Job 28:1 – 11; 1 Jn. 2:8
MORE LESSON: Gen. 1:1 – 5

In the beginning, God called light to existence and God saw that he light was good. He therefore, separated the light from the darkness. He also created the sun to rule the day and the moon and stars to rule at night (Gen. 1:1-5). No matter how dark the night that compasses you is, there is still light that can rule it. Light gives authority, and dictates to the darkness how far it can go. Job 28:3a says, …man put an end to the darkness (NIV). This means that no man should be in darkness for any reason. He has the ability to drive out darkness.
When things are not happening the way you desire; when there is sickness, unemployment, lack of opportunities etc, one feels that he is in the dark. But you can bring light into your world and bring an end to darkness by making an effort to shine. God searches and brings hidden things to light.
By understanding you can change things, believing God, make a move and dispel the darkness around you. The Bible says, But there is a spirit in man; and the inspiration of the almighty giveth them understanding: Job 32:8. Allow God to direct you to the instrument He has set aside to conquer your darkness and let His life shine forth there and end the darkness. The Word of faith, the blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus, righteous living and the power of prayer and fasting are all instruments of terminating darkness over your destiny. Take hold of these items today and end darkness around you.
Several spiritual generals who have gone ahead of us conquered Satan using these same tools and their testimonies are there for us today. They have not only left us an example, they exhort us to follow suit. Paul the apostle is a good example here. After announcing that the he had taught the good faith (2Tim. 4:7), he went ahead to ask us to do same – Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou are also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses: 1 Tim. 6:12.

* By the light of God’s Word, I declare that I have illumination in all areas of my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* I banish darkness from my life, family and business, in Jesus’ name.

Poverty, failure and unfruitfulness shall be ended this month and I shall prosper and flourish like the palm tree by the riverside, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Found by God II

Tuesday 31 January
READ: Psa. 89: 20
MORE LESSON: 2 Chro.16: 9a

When Jesus was born, there were some wise men that were searching for Him. They came from a very distant land and they sought until they found the Baby in the manger. Their names entered into God's record because of their search. This shows that you can also search for God and find Him. In fact, in Jer. 29: 13, God says that you will seek Him, and find Him, when you shall search for Him with all your heart. This shows that God is searching and you also could search for Him. It is when God's search for you meets your search for Him that your place in destiny finds fulfilment.
David was a man like that; he was a passionate seeker of God. He said in Psa. 63: 1, O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. David was passionately seeking for God and God was also searching for a king. Saul had fallen short of God’s expectation and God needed a man that would carry out His will in Israel. So God figuratively took a torchlight and started searching over Israel for who would replace Saul.
The old king was still on the throne and God was already searching for a new one. This is why we must pray never to be replaced in God's agenda and that God will not search for someone else to do that which He has called us to do. Saul was busy living the way he wanted but he didn't know that God was already searching. David also was busy faithfully serving God and he did not know that God was searching. So God's searchlight rested on David and he became the king of Israel. In God's search for a king, one would have expected that he would go into the palace or the house of noble men. God, in His infinite wisdom, went to the wilderness and located His choice king. He took the greatest from the lowest place.
This is an encouragement to you to continue serving God faithfully even when no one seems to notice all that you are doing. You may be praying, studying the Word of God and giving yourself and your resources sacrificially for God's kingdom and it is unnoticed. You do not need to be noticed by men; you only need to be found by God. When God finds you, you will enter into your throne in destiny.

* Ask the Lord to make all that search for you for good to find you early.
* Decree God's searchlight to rest on you, in the name of Jesus.
* Forbid darkness from overshadowing you, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Father, thank You because by Your power, today is the last bus stop for every negative carryover in my life, they end with this last day of the month, in the mighty name of Jesus.