Friday 17 February
READ: Rom. 10: 8 - 13
MORE LESSON: Prov. 4: 20 - 23
Psa. 119:11 says, Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Keeping God's Word in one's heart is very vital to a successful Christian living. The heart is the core when it comes to profiting by the Word of God. It is good to know memory verses and it is also good to quote the Scripture fluently. Making confessions of the Word is important to your success in destiny. However, before all these, it is the Word in your heart that determines how well all these will profit you. Until the Word mixes with faith in your heart, it will not be of any good, For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it: Heb 4:2 (NKJV). If you are born again today, it is because the Word that was preached the day you gave your life to Christ mixed with faith in your heart. You must retain all the Word of God that comes into your heart and let it mix with faith.
How does a man keep the Word of God in his heart? It starts by hearing and hearing the Word until faith comes. Faith comes by hearing the Word of the Lord (Rom 10: 17). You must keep hearing the Word until it becomes a strong conviction in your heart. Get the Word during your quiet time, hearing it at the family altar is essential, come to prayer meeting and hear it, come to Bible study and hear it again. Hear it in church on Sunday, hear it during special programmes, buy the CD and listen to it again and again. Just keep hearing the Word and before you know it, the Word becomes part of you and a reality in your life.
Take in the Word of God anyhow. When it comes to the Word, there is no danger of overdose. So look at it, read it, memorise it, meditate upon it and do it. As you commit yourself to the Word, it becomes ingrained in your heart and it begins to show in your health, finances, spiritual growth, success in your career, peace in your home, happiness in your marriage. There are lots of rewards that are yours from the Word but first you have to keep the Word in your heart and from there it will find expression in your life.
* Father, let Your Word be life to me and bring healing for my body, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, I receive grace to keep Your Word in my heart and to meditate on it day and night, in Jesus’ name.
I shall be fruitful in every way and barrenness shall not be mentioned anymore in my destiny, in the name of Jesus.