Monday 27 February
READ: Gen 21: 1
MORE LESSON: Deut. 31: 8
God cannot fail; Whatever God speaks, He will perform. God promised Abraham and Sarah a child, years passed and it looked like the child was not forth coming. Gen. 21: 1 reads, God visited Sarah has He had said and did to Sarah as He has spoken. God did it for her at exactly the time that He said He was going to do it. He had said to Abraham, I will certainly return to you according to the time of life, and behold, Sarah your wife shall have a son Gen 18: 10. God keeps promises. As you hold to God's promises, be sure that He will deliver on them. It is only those who do not have a good knowledge of God that still go crying around even when God has given a promise. If God promises you anything, He will do it.
The Lord has promised in His Word, There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfil: Exo. 23:26. God is truly unfailing; He keeps His Word. When we look through all scriptures, no daughter of God was ever barren. No matter the number of years; they all eventually gave birth. The only woman who was barren till death in the Bible was Michal and that was because she despised the servant of God and spoke against David when he was obeying God and praising Him (2 Sam. 6:20 – 23).
When God made the trees and the animals, He spoke to them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth Gen. 1:22. The word that He spoke to these creatures have not failed. There is no grass that needs medical doctors to make it bear seed and give birth. The grasses and trees grow even in the dry season and when you cut them they still grow back. Animals do not need midwives and they give birth. All these are so because the Lord commanded them to be fruitful and God's command cannot fail.
Gen. 1:28, reads, Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. This means that in your case God first blessed you and commanded you to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue all things all the earth and have dominion over everything. These blessings commanded upon you are too numerous and too powerful for you to be unfruitful or barren of any good thing in life. Therefore, in your business, career and marriage, you will definitely be fruitful. God's Word didn't fail the trees and grasses; it cannot fail you who are the very image of God. This year stand on God’s promises; don't doubt and God will come up for you.
* My life will no longer be conducive for failure, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Lord, make my life evidence of Your unfailing Word, in the mighty name of Jesus.
By the power of the Holy Ghost, I proclaim my daybreak shall not be shortchanged, it shall be complete, in the name of Jesus.