Wednesday 1 March
READ: Gen 26: 13
MORE LESSON: Job 5: 25
When Moses was leading the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan, he asked his brother-in-law, the son of Jethro, a Midianite, to leave his own people and join the company of Israel. Moses told him to come with Israel as they set out for the place which the Lord had promised to give them. Moses promised the brother that they would treat him well; for the LORD has promised great things to them (Num. 10: 29 – 33). What is striking here is that Moses was so confident of the greatness and goodness that God had promised Israel that he asked someone to leave the tangible assets that he had in his native land and follow Israel to the greater things that await them by faith. Even though at this time the Israelites were wanderers in the wilderness, Moses didn't see based on that; he saw based on the greatness that lay ahead of them.
It is important that you start seeing yourself, talking and acting based on the greatness ahead of you and not on your present circumstance. When people ask you how you are doing, don't answer them based on your present circumstance and thereby start narrating your predicament to them. Just tell them that you are doing great. In our commission, it is popularly taught that when people ask you how you are doing, your response should be 'I am great'. Even the little kids in the children class have been taught this. So when asked , how are you doing? they say, 'I am great.' By doing this, you are prophesying into your destiny.
In the course of my visits to America, one of the things that I have noticed is that, whenever you ask an American how he is, he says “I am good”. It even seems like they do it out of reflex action; it is so much part of them that they do it unconsciously. I have noticed that if an American is dying and you ask him how he is doing, he won't even think about it, he will just say, 'I am good.' It seems like a national culture, but it is actually a spiritual principle that they are applying even though many of them are not aware of it.
You are a child of God; Which doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number: Job 9:10. You have spiritual understanding, so you should apply spiritual principles deliberately. This is why you must not just 'do good' but you 'do great.' Job 8: 7 says, Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. Irrespective of your situation, know that you come from a great God and you can't do less than great. So prophesy over your life, 'I am great.'
* Announce that you are great and all things are working out for your good, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that you and your seed shall be great, in Jesus’ name.
Father, a thousand tongues will not be sufficient to thank You for the gift of the third month of the year, I thank You Lord.