Monday, March 13, 2017

Athaliah must Die I

Monday 13 March
READ: 2 Chron. 23: 11 - 1
MORE LESSON: 2 Chron. 22: 1 - 12

The kings of Judah were descendants of David but some of them followed the path of the idolatrous kings of the ten-tribes of Israel. One of such kings that led Judah astray was Jehoram, the son of King Jehoshaphat. Jehoram had married Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel. Athaliah was the princess of the wicked duo of Ahab and Jezebel who ruled Israel, led them into idolatry and killed the priests of God. Athaliah was born into a power-drunk family and was used to exercising control in Israel. Afterwards, she got married to Jehoram the king of Judah and became queen in Judah. She started to exercise power more wickedly and influenced her husband to do evil.
After the death of her husband, Arabian raiders invaded the royal family in Judah and killed the king's children, leaving only Ahaziah the son of Athaliah. Ahaziah became king in Judah and so Athaliah was the Queen Mother. The wicked woman continued to control the land as she influenced her son to rule in wickedness. After a while, Ahaziah, Athaliah's son, died and the throne was by right to go to another person born within the royal family of the lineage of David. Athaliah decided that even though her husband and son through whom she ruled the land were dead, she would not let go of the throne. So, she killed everyone that had a right to the throne. She killed all the heirs and royal family members and sat on the throne as the sole ruler of Judah, a land she came to through marriage.
There are wicked men who have this kind of controlling spirit, who always want to rule and control people. This is evidenced in the trend in their lives; they are always looking for power and never want to let go of the place of power. There are men and women in Nigeria who have this spirit of Athaliah. They hate being anywhere else than the place of power. They can do anything; kill, throw the land into confusion or destroy, just to be in the place of power. People with this kind of controlling spirit always seek to hold the whole land and nation captive to themselves or their family.
Athaliah took over the land of Judah and turned it into a den of idolatry. She turned the land over to Baal, the idol of her father's house. There are Athaliahs in homes, families and nations and they have to be dealt with. These are people that push every other person down so that everyone worships and cringes as they reign with terror. Such people will not be corrected and no one can speak contrary to what they say. The way to deal with such spirits and people is to invoke the judgement of God. Death is the only way to stop them.

* Every wicked personality exerting control over my life and family, I command you to die by fire, in Jesus’ name.
* I command all forces of wickedness working against my life and destiny to lose their hold, in Jesus’ name.

With God on my side, I shall outrun all my enemies to glory this month, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Error of David's Lineage

Sunday 12 March
READ: 1 Kings 9: 4 - 9
MORE LESSON: 2 Chron. 21: 1 - 18

And if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, in integrity of heart, and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded thee, and wilt keep my statutes and my judgments: Then I will establish the throne of thy kingdom upon Israel for ever, as I promised to David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man upon the throne of Israel: I Kgs. 9:4-5. God had promised David that his descendants will always sit on the throne of Israel. However many of his descendants didn't follow the way of God, thus it wasn't long after he died that the 12 tribes of Israel were divided into two. God took ten tribes of Israel from under Rehoboam, David's grandson and gave them to another man. Only two tribes continued to be under the dynasty of David. This two-tribe-nation under the dynasty of David was called the land of Judah while the remaining ten-tribe nation retained the name 'the Land of Israel'. The descendants of David only ruled two tribes and lost kingship over the nation of Israel.
Children of godly parents must make it a duty to follow in the way of God wherein their parents walk. Children must follow the way of the Lord after their parents so that they don't lose the things that God has built through their parents. It is vital that parents who have walked with the Lord and established a covenant with Him, train and pray for their children to continue the walk so that these children will not reduce to nothing the covenant that their parents have made with the Lord after the parents are gone.
After David was gone, his descendants lost the bulk of the nation of Israel that God had covenanted to David and his descendants. In fact, there were some kings of Judah, descendants of David, who were so bad that God wanted to entirely wipe out the lineage of David from kingship. One would wonder what would have happened to God's covenant with David if his dynasty was completely eradicated because his descendants didn't follow the way of the Lord. This has taught me that God is not a respecter of persons but covenants and principles. God will honour those who honour Him and dishonour those who dishonour Him!

* Father, my children shall have a legacy of consistent walk with God, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that none of your children will be a son of Belial, in Jesus’ name.

The sun of glory shall not withdraw itself from my destiny in the day and the light of my night shall be brighter than the day, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Dealing with Enemies within

Saturday 11 March
READ: Psa. 18:16-19
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 27:1-8

How do you deal with an enemy from within? The following are what you need in order to deal with enemies within.
1. Wisdom – wisdom is the knowledge of how to do a thing. It is wisdom that people emphasise when they say if your yam grows big, you should use your hands to cover it. What they are trying to say is apply wisdom. If you don't have money to buy fuel and you are planning to buy a motorcycle, buy a bicycle, which does not need fuel; you only need to pump air.
2. Discipline – an enemy from within can be dealt with by discipline. What type of discipline? Restraint. Learn to be restrained, look before you leap, before you announce the next car that you want to buy be sure that it is safe.
3. Prayer – pray some dangerous prayers, for instance use Psalm 18, verse17 says, He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me. That's what to do with an enemy either within or without. Hand them over to God, the God that Hannah spoke about. Don't go about arguing, or asking someone to beg them because they want to kill you. No, deliver them to Him who can kill without using a knife or gun. With prayers you will win, The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up: 1 Sam. 2: 6-7. Hand them over to the Lord that kills.
Sometimes you should take your Bible and pick a scripture like the one above, at 12 midnight, stand up and say, Father, the Bible says “the Lord killeth”, I hand over so and so to you, do with him as you are known for doing. The Lord maketh poor: Lord this man has used his wealth to afflict me, let him become poor, let him put his hand in his pocket and find nothing anymore until he acknowledges that there is a God in Heaven. One man sank a million copies of the Bible in the sea because he was wealthy. For several years, God did not act. The day God would act, the man ascended to the throne, God allowed him but he never sat upon the throne; at the peak of his popularity, he was a dead man. One arrow from hell and he was gone. The Lord killeth, the Lord maketh alive. Instead of crying around, pray.

* Receive the wisdom of the Lord to deal with all enemies within, in Jesus’ name.
* Break the strength of any enemy around your life, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I command the doors of mercy, favour and divine help to open wide for me and my family, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Solid Foundation

Friday 10 March
READ: Matt. 7: 24-27
MORE LESSONS: : Mark 1: 2-8

Anybody can build a house, but houses are in grades and categories. When you look at some houses, you can tell how long they will last. There is a mud house I know of that has been standing for over ninety years. There is another structure in Zaria, Nigeria; the first church built by the Europeans in the entire Northern Nigeria, with mud many years ago and it is still standing. What makes a house last and stand when others are crumbling? The answer is in the foundation. How good the foundation of a house is determines how long it will last.
Though good foundations are very expensive to build, the wise always pays the price to put a solid foundation in place. The unwise person thinks that since the foundation will be hidden, he can do a shabby work of it and continue with the part of the building that is open to all to see. He forgets that no matter what is built on top; if the foundation is faulty, the whole structure will collapse.
The secret of advancement in destiny is the foundation. Whether your life is going to become a bungalow, a storied-building or a skyscraper is determined by the foundation. By foundation we mean the preparations you are putting in place and the silent prices that you are paying for where you are going in destiny. Your Christian foundation includes things as quiet time; studying the Bible and other Christian literature, learning memory verses, fellowship with other believers, fasting and prayer. These are foundations for tomorrow. Giving, paying tithes and offerings and contributing to kingdom projects are financial foundations for your tomorrow.
Everything in destiny needs adequate preparation. Your preparation determines your strength which in turn determines your speed; which then determines your advancement. So in destiny, preparation determines strength; strength determines speed and speed determines advancement. In Mark 1:2-8, the Bible tells us how John the Baptist was sent in preparation for the birth of Jesus. Even God makes preparations before He does things. It is easy to confess and claim wealth; marital, academic or career success but until we see your preparations before we can tell whether your confession is valid.
Everything in life answers to preparation and laying the right foundation. May God give you the grace to start paying the price for building a solid foundation for your destiny, in Jesus’ name.

* I receive grace to mend any crack in my foundation, in Jesus’ name.
* Holy Spirit, strengthen my foundation and help me to stand strong, in Jesus’ name.

Father, empower my dreams and desires to become reality and testimonies in 2017, in the name of Jesus.