Thursday 16 March
READ: John 15: 4 - 8
MORE LESSON: Luke 13: 6 - 8
God expects fruits from your life. The Bible therefore shows us the secret of fruitfulness; which is, abiding in God. A man will never be fruitful if he is the kind of Christian that is in today and out tomorrow. A little church and a little party will not take a man anywhere. A little holiness and then a little sin will lead to a life of frustration. You must abide entirely in God.
The Bible draws an analogy between a tree and being rooted in God. As long as the branches of a tree are vitally connected to the stem which is connected to the root, every supply reaches the branches. A connected branch doesn't need supplication to the root before nutrient and water flow into it through the stem. In the same way, connectivity to God makes blessings to naturally flow to you. A well connected child of God may not even have prayed for certain blessings but they just flow to him as a natural consequence of his abiding in God.
Abiding in God means abiding in His Word. Abiding in God means a vibrant prayer life. When you pray in the spirit abundantly and enjoy communion with the Holy Spirit daily, some blessings will flow naturally to you that you might not even remember asking for. It is when you pray in tongues, enjoying God and abiding in Him, that you access those blessings. Abiding in God involves serving God with your time by being a worker in His vineyard. When you stay with God and work for Him, you may not even fast and pray for a life partner but as you abide serving diligently, God just locates you and connects you with the person He has for you. Giving tithes and offerings is part of abiding in God. You might love God and continue to give to Him, spend your resources for the expansion of His Kingdom and help others, and you notice that you keep experiencing blessings that you cannot account for by your fasting. God blesses you naturally as you abide in Him.
You must stay in God, with God and for God. John 15:7 says, If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Abiding in God is the secret of answered prayers. The reason many people's prayers are not answered is because they are not abiding. They just dash in when they have a need and try to con God's hand by much tears and prayers. If God peradventure answers them, you won't see them again until there is another problem. How do you explain a Sunday-to-Sunday Christian? He is not abiding; he is only visiting. It is time for you to abide in God so that all-round fruitfulness can be yours.
* I receive grace to abide in Jesus Christ all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, because I am connected to You, let there be a flow of Your blessings into my life, in Jesus’ name.
Every spirit of loneliness, discouragement and abandonment, flee from me, in the name of Jesus.