Saturday 3 June
READ: James 1:19-27
MORE LESSON: Prov. 16:32
It is often said that anger is a thief of good moments. This is absolutely true because when we are angry nothing else seems to matter except gratifying the lust of that feeling. A lot of the wars and killings in our world today can be traced to someone's anger against another person. The human being is built with a little of this tendency but we all have different anger thresholds. Some people can suffer long before they get angry but others are easily provoked to anger by the slightest stirring. By and large, some degree of anger is important in protecting what is right. But when anger gets out of control, like wild fire it can cause more damage than was originally intended. When anger is out of control, one seems to lose discretion and right judgement. This kind of rage cannot produce the righteousness of God. James 1:20 says, For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
Fire is not evil because we need fire to cook and to keep warm in the cold amongst other things. But when fire is out of control, it is the most dangerous thing you have ever known. Anger, like a little flame of fire is not sin but can lead to sin if it is not put in check and appropriate control. The Word of God helps us channel our emotions in the right direction. Life would be more productive
for us if we channel the wrath of our anger from unedifying arguments and quarrels to the very works of the enemy in our society, family and our future. This is the kind of wrath that leads us to the place of deep intercession and warfare prayer until we can completely halt the activities of satan around us to a standstill.
Everybody can be angry about one thing or the other. In fact, God too shows anger; He is mad at the devil’s works in your life. So the real question is, What are you angry at? Is it your fellow brother that you have the power to forgive or like God, you hate what God hates and are angry at the devil too. I wish we can spend all our anger, wrath and indignation on the devil so when a person hurts us, we'll have no anger left to unleash on them except to love them. One sure antidote to anger is letting the Word of God dominate your heart. It will channel all your emotions rightly; it will teach you when to speak and when to be silent, when to say sorry and when to say, ‘thank you’. Remember the word of King Solomon, Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool: Eccl. 7:9 (NLT).
* Repent of every display of anger you have manifested lately.
* Forgive everyone that has offended you and pray for them.
* Pray that God will deliver you from every spirit of anger, in Jesus’ name.
Every demonic power programmed to make me lose good things this month, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.