Friday 16 June
READ: Phil 1: 21 - 23
MORE LESSON: Matt 16: 26
One day my assistant and I were on a journey on a rainy day. All of a sudden, a car overtook us at an incredibly high speed and I wondered where the man was going that he was speeding like that. A little distance ahead we saw the car had crashed fatally. I wondered whether the man felt that he had enough insurance that was why he was moving at such speed even in rain. It is possible that he had insured his car and had life insurance to support his family after he is gone. However, did he insure his eternity?
The Church rightly preaches that the trumpet will sound and the rapture will soon happen. However, an additional fact is that anyone that dies, it is like his own trumpet has sounded. The day of reckoning has come for such a person. I have been to the mortuary and seen dead bodies of all ages. What amazes me is that they always have new bodies to bring in every day. I also noticed that all the corpses are kept together, male and female, no beautiful or ugly corpse. When life is gone, all are dumped together. Even young people that are freaks in appearance, when they die and their corpses enter into that place, they are stripped and they can’t complain. Youthfulness should not be taken for granted, there are young people in the mortuary. No one should live anyhow; for people of all ages die.
The only insurance against death is to be born again. All other forms of life insurance are useless to the dead person. Will a dead man go and collect money from his insurance premiums after he is dead? It is only good for the people he leaves behind. As for the dead person, the only thing that counts is whether he was born again or not; if he would make Heaven or not. If he makes Heaven, then he didn't die, he only transited from earth to Heaven. That is the only life insurance package that is of use to the person.
A genuine child of God is the only one insured against death. Death is not the end of a man if he is born again; it is just a passage into eternity. People may cry on earth but he stands to gain because he is insured. Our text reads, For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain… For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: Phil. 1:21-23. Giving your life to Christ is the only and the best insurance for your life. For everyone who is in Christ Jesus, death is gain because his/her name is written in the book of life. Let me ask you, “Is your name written in the book of life or in an insurance broker’s book or even in a guinness book of life?” You need to write your name in the book of life today.
* I hand over my life to Jesus for the rest of my life, in the name of Jesus.
* Lord, help me to live the life that I profess in Christ in order to be ready for Your coming, in Jesus’ name.
I shall never lose my relevance, I shall be remembered in great places; even my enemy will need me and seek for me and remember me for help, in the name of Jesus.