Saturday 17 June
READ: Josh. 5: 13 - 15
MORE LESSON: Judg. 4: 14 - 24
Joshua was a man of extra-ordinary exploits in war. He was the one that led the Israelites in all the battles in the wilderness and brought them successfully into the Promised Land. In one battle he commanded the sun to stand still so that he could finish claiming his victory over his enemies (Josh. 10: 12). It was this same Joshua that led the people against Jericho and the walls of Jericho fell (Josh. 6: 24 – 27). The Lord promised Joshua that no one would be able to stand before him all the days of his life and that he would possess the land wherein he stepped (Josh. 1: 3). Joshua didn’t lose battles; even when Achan sinned and made Israel to be temporarily defeated at Ai; after Joshua prayed, the Lord revealed the problem to him and returned the victory to Israel.
The battle exploits of Joshua can be traced to an encounter he had with the Lord of Hosts. In Josh. 5: 13 – 15, a man with a sword drawn appeared to Joshua and revealed himself as the Captain of the Lord's Host. This one man was greater than the whole army of the enemies. Joshua won the battles of life because the angels of the Lord, led by the Captain of the Lord's Host Himself fought for him. The Lord is not just a warrior; He is the Captain of warriors. When He draws His sword, it is not for play; it is for war against your adversaries. When the Captain of the Lord's Host fights on your behalf, your victory is sure.
Barak in Judg. 4:8 also understood this. Deborah had asked Barak to go out in battle against Sisera; the captain of the host of Jabin, king of Canaan, who oppressed Israel. Sisera was a captain of a host and in order to deal with him, Barak knew that he needed a higher captain of host. Barak knew that even though he was no match for Sisera, if Deborah went with him to the battle, the angels of God and the Captain of the Lord's Host that worked with Deborah by the reason of her spiritual office over Israel would follow her to the battle with him. So Deborah went with General Barak to war against Sisera and the Hosts of Heaven followed them into the battle and finished off the enemies. God is not limited by gender, the Lord gave victory through a woman that day. Any woman or man can be a general in the Lord's battles, all she/he needs is that the Lord of Hosts should work with them.
Today, invite the Captain of the Lord's Host into the battles of your life. Hand over your battles to the Lord of Hosts and watch your enemies discomfited.
* I hand over every battle I am facing to You Lord, fight for me, in Jesus’ name.
*Father, gird me with strength to face every challenge to victory, in Jesus’ name.
He that lit my candle will defend it from all evil winds unto the perfect day, in the mighty name of Jesus.