Saturday 22 July
READ: 2 Kings 6: 8 -12
MORE LESSON: Psa. 23: 5
In 2 Kings 6: 8 – 12, Israel was at war with Syria and God prepared Israel ahead of every attack by prophetic prior information. Prior information prepares and preparation makes you smarter than your opponents. God revealed the enemy's plan ahead of time and made His children to be prepared. The reason for prophecy is so that you might be prepared. Our God is a God of preparation. He has fore-knowledge and so can inform us ahead to make us prepared. Don't follow a god who has no fore knowledge of what would happen. There are some people whose god is as surprised as they are when some things happen to them. Our God has the power of fore knowledge, prior information and preparation. It was preparation that brought victory to Israel in the war with Syria. Each time the enemies laid an ambush, they waited in vain because the Lord had prepared His people. Today, God will give you the prior information that will save you from destruction. Privileged information that will make you prepared to cash in on rare opportunities will also come your way today, in Jesus’ name.
Individuals must learn to prepare, the Church must learn to prepare and the nation must also learn to prepare. Economic down-turn happens because when a country is in surplus, there is no preparation ahead. Even natural disasters can be well-managed when there is preparation. On one of the occasions I was in the United States, I discovered that if a tornado or earthquake is to happen, they would start announcing it weeks before. They would start moving people away from the likely target places and putting emergency measures in place. In fact, in Israel, they are so militarily prepared that they have bunkers in every vicinity in the event of attacks. They have prepared rooms that are air tight, internally ventilated and secure, in case of a chemical attack against the country. The strength of a man is his preparation and the strength of a nation is her preparation.
So when David said, Thou prepareth a table before me in the presence of my enemies: Psa. 23:5, he was making us to understand that God gives victory over enemies by the power of preparation. This is the day when you must start preparing spiritually, mentally, academically, financially and in every way for the future that you picture. Greatness in life is at the mercy of preparation. God prepares; so if you are a true child of God, you must also learn to prepare.
* Tell the Lord to always prepare you ahead of your adversaries.
* Decree that whatever is preparing against you shall never prevail.
* Declare that honour, beauty, favour and appointment with greatness are your portion today.
Father in fruitfulness I shall be fruitful, in prosperity I shall prosper, nothing that works against me shall prosper, in the mighty name of Jesus.