Thursday 14 September
READ: James 3: 2-13
MORE LESSON: I Pet. 3:10
Not all parts of the body have the command of life or death, the tongue has that power to kill or make alive (Prov. 18:21). The tongue is a powerful ignition point for life or for death. Many people suffer self- inflicted problems because of wrong use of the tongue. Several examples are in the Bible of how some individuals used their tongues and the consequences. Noah's son, Ham, saw the father's nakedness and made noise about it, inflicting a curse on him and his generations (Gen 9:20-27).
Miriam the sister of Moses did not control her tongue and ended up with leprosy. God does not want us to use our tongue to kill with the inbuilt power in it but rather to give life. Since the tongue has power and the Word of God has power, using the tongue to speak God's Word will release double life. Putting the Gospel on the tongue releases life to all that come in contact with such tongue. Conversely, Christians who are close-mouthed will never gain, rather they will lose. A refusal to proclaim the truth of the Gospel and God's Word produces death all around instead of life. Therefore begin to engage your tongue correctly henceforth.
Look at that contrary situation and turn it around by speaking God's truth to it. Speak God's Word about the economy and you will have abundance in the midst of recession. Speak what God is doing or what He will do. Walk by insight of God's Word not by sight to ignite the provisions of God in your life. Be careful with people who speak negative about everything and everyone because they will bring death around you instead of life. When you proclaim God's Word you build your power level and become acclaimed on the earth. The disciples proclaimed the Gospel and the whole world heard of them. What will you proclaim as you step out today? What will your words ignite as you speak to people? Make up your mind to ignite life and not death by your words.
Let the Gospel become your consistent language; it is your declaration of faith that God works on to produce great miracles. Some of the advantages of proclaiming the Word and the Gospel daily include: 1) Signs and wonders will be performed through you (Mk. 16:15-17). If you are not going, the signs will not follow. 2.)You enjoy and carry God's presence (Mk. 16:20). Therefore do not be a talebearer, be a Gospel bearer and God's glory will envelope you, obstacles will give way, and you will tread upon snakes and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy. 3.) You enjoy defence and protection. When you use your words to defend and lift others, you will enjoy the same. The gospel is goodnews and when you talk it good will follow you (I Pet.3:13).
Therefore make up your mind to use your tongue positively from today and you will see an eruption of light and life all around you. This would send darkness and death far from you.
* Ask God to consecrate your tongue as a life giving tool every moment.
* Declare that death will not flow from your tongue, in the name of Jesus.
* Ask for grace to form the habit of proclaiming God's Word, in Jesus’ name.
Father, give me a public victory that the heathen may see and join me to glorify You, in the name of Jesus.