Monday 2 October
READ: Luke 4:1-15
MORE LESSON: Exo. 34:28-35
Looking deeper into yesterday’s study, you will appreciate why Jesus did not start His ministry until He had given Himself to fasting and prayer. Although He never gave a command that we must fast like He did for prayer, soul winning, love, communion etc, His pattern and teachings to His disciples are instructive enough. Fasting and prayer is crucial, especially for all who want to do the work of God, combat satanic strongholds, do what Jesus did and more; it must be by prayer and fasting.
Fasting helps to humble us, reduces the influence of the flesh, helps us to concentrate in the place of prayer and proves to God that we are desperate about a matter. It promotes discipline and self-denial, which advance prayer or help us to pray better because fasting without prayer will amount to hunger strike. So, we must not fast to the point of not being able to pray. Jesus said that the two go hand in hand; we must fast and we must pray.
When we combine the two the result is phenomenal: And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about. And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all: Lk. 4:14-15.
Here we see four results of Jesus' fasting and prayer life:
(1)He returned in the power of the Spirit.
(2)His fame spread throughout all the region.
(3)He had open doors to preach to those who opposed Him.
(4)He was glorified by all.
All these, which people seek for from the occultic, are available in God by fasting, prayer and Christ-like living. Don't be tempted to ask for them outside of God; just pay the price of praying and fasting and they are all yours.
* Ask the Lord to strengthen your inner man so that your flesh may be subdued in the place of prayer and fasting.
* Pray that God will do exceptional things in you and through you each time you fast and pray.
*Ask God for more grace for you to pray more until result comes.
This tenth month, I shall not dance to the music of my enemies, I shut them down, never to sound again, in the name of Jesus.