Monday, October 2, 2017

By Prayer and Fasting II

Monday 2 October
READ: Luke 4:1-15    
MORE LESSON:  Exo. 34:28-35

Looking deeper into yesterday’s study, you will appreciate why Jesus did not start His ministry until He had given Himself to fasting and prayer. Although He never gave a command that we must fast like He did for prayer, soul winning, love, communion etc, His pattern and teachings to His disciples are instructive enough. Fasting and prayer is crucial, especially for all who want to do the work of God, combat satanic strongholds, do what Jesus did and more; it must be by prayer and fasting.

Fasting helps to humble us, reduces the influence of the flesh, helps us to concentrate in the place of prayer and proves to God that we are desperate about a matter. It promotes discipline and self-denial, which advance prayer or help us to pray better because fasting without prayer will amount to hunger strike. So, we must not fast to the point of not being able to pray. Jesus said that the two go hand in hand; we must fast and we must pray.

When we combine the two the result is phenomenal:  And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about. And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all: Lk. 4:14-15.

Here we see four results of Jesus' fasting and prayer life:
(1)He returned in the power of the Spirit.
(2)His fame spread throughout all the region.
(3)He had open doors to preach to those who opposed Him.
(4)He was glorified by all.

All these, which people seek for from the occultic, are available in God by fasting, prayer and Christ-like living. Don't be tempted to ask for them outside of God; just pay the price of praying and fasting and they are all yours.

* Ask the Lord to strengthen your inner man so that your flesh may be subdued in the place of prayer and fasting.
* Pray that God will do exceptional things in you and through you each time you fast and pray.
*Ask God for more grace for you to pray more until result comes. 

This tenth month, I shall not dance to the music of my enemies, I shut them down, never to sound again, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

By Prayer and Fasting I

Sunday 1 October
READ: Mk. 9:14-29    
MORE LESSON:  Lk.2:36 -38

Jesus went to the mount of transfiguration with some of His disciples leaving the others behind to wait. Coming back to them He saw the disciples struggling without result as a healing and deliverance case. In fact the situation had degenerated to an argument and a debate between the disciples of Jesus and the scribes. Only God knew what the scribes had been saying. Thank God for Jesus' timely arrival and intervention, the boy was instantly healed. Surprised, the disciples put their shame aside and asked Jesus ...Why could not we cast him out? Mk. 9:28.

This  wonderful story has given us a great revelation that certain things will not happen to us except we add fasting to prayer. However, it is sad that today certain versions of the Bible omit the word 'fasting' from this passage. My interest is in the wisdom and courage of the disciples to ask, ...Why could not we cast him out? This question gave birth to the great revelation that has empowered us to prevail over the devil and his wicked agents. If the disciples had kept quiet, maybe Jesus wouldn't have revealed this: ...this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting: Matt. 17:21.

While the opportunity lasts, we should be wise enough to ask God, our leaders, fellow Christians and as many as could help, why we could not do certain things. We can ask Jesus through prayer why, how, and what can be done about our failures; He is still alive to answer us. Rather than pack it up, ask God, and wait for the answer. Sometimes you also need to ask yourself because it is not always all about God but also about certain things which are known to us. And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting: Mk. 9:29. Beloved, exceptional things happen when we fast and pray.

Exceptional things are things that will not happen ordinarily. Nehemiah, Moses, Elijah, Daniel, David, Esther are a few testimonies to this. By fasting Nehemiah made a Babylonian king to pay for the building of the wall of Jerusalem; Daniel defeated the prince of Persia; Esther broke protocol and got the enemy of the Jews hanged.  All these happened before saints spoke in tongues. Holy Ghost prayer plus righteous fast will do exceptional things.  

* Pray for a humble heart to learn from your failures and receive grace for success in subsequent endeavours.
*Pray that the key of prayer and fasting will not be lost in our assembly and homes.
*Receive strength to pay the price and to endure in the place of prayer, in Jesus’ name.

Father, it is with a heart of gratitude that I receive the month of October and I declare it fixed for joy, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Praying by the Blood

Saturday 30 September
READ: Heb. 9:11-22   
MORE LESSON:  Rom. 5:9

For if the blood of bulls and of goats ... sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ...: Heb. 9:13-14.  The Blood of Jesus is the strength of the Christian faith. Without Jesus and His blood Christianity will collapse. One song says, “My hope is built on nothing else but Jesus' blood and righteousness”. It is by the Blood that we are able to connect with the Father and fight forces of darkness that will not want us to commune with the Father.

Long before Jesus shed His Blood, the symbol of His Blood was already doing wonders, like it did in Egypt at the Passover. Now that the real Blood has been shed, there is nothing it cannot do. Even the sight of Jesus' sweat dropping like His Blood was strong enough to command God's quick intervention; how much more the very Blood. The Blood carries the life of Jesus, His prayer life inclusive; and when applied in prayer over any issue, the result is unparalleled. This is particularly useful in overcoming satanic arrows against our prayer or prayer life. The Blood gives us access to God, cleanses our conscience from guilt and satanic condemnation.

Learn to plead the Blood of Jesus on your life and the place of prayer, both as an offensive and defensive weapon. It is very potent against wandering thoughts and all other demonic distractions to prayer. I believe that believers have not explored the power in the Blood of Jesus enough, and this is because we have not studied enough about the powers therein. Christianity is built mainly on Jesus and His blood and we all must explore it.

Penetrating heaven without the Blood of Jesus will be an exercise in futility! The Blood must go ahead of us to plead mercy and remind the Father about His promises which are rooted in the Blood of Jesus. Our confidence in the place of prayer is because of what the Blood of Jesus has done on the Cross for us; granting us access to the Father and denying the devil's accusation in our matters.

We must plead the Blood of Jesus often , in prayer and out of prayer. Even if it is only to remind the devil of his defeat, it is worth pleading the Blood. 

* Thank God for the access we have through the Blood of Jesus.
* Declare that the Blood of Jesus will speak better things for you, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God to cover you with the Blood of Jesus as you start to pray.

Father, with gratitude for a Heaven- defended month, I thank You for the month of September, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Prayer and the Word  

Friday 29 September
READ: Matt. 4:4-10   
MORE LESSON:  Heb. 1:1-3

The Word of God is the shell in which prayer is incubated and hatched. It helps to make our prayers acceptable to God. It shows us the requirements for answer, gives the appropriate words and compels God to act because He cannot break His Word. In Matt. 22:29 Jesus told the Jews, ...Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. The Word of God keeps us from error and opens our eyes to what God can do. God will never do what His Word forbids, no matter who prays it or how much fasting goes with it; neither will He refuse to perform His Word whatever the situation, ...for I will hasten my word to perform it: Jer. 1:12.

At Gethsemane Jesus asked that the cup be taken away from Him and got no answer. However, the moment He added, ‘not my will but thine be done,’ an angel came to strengthen Him because that was God's will;  And we have seen and do testify that  the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world: I Jn. 4:14.

Make the Word of God the bullet of your prayer gun, and there is no rock you cannot blast into pieces. Without the Word, prayer is mere noise, an empty toy gun without bullet, which can only scare an ignorant enemy. The moment the enemy discovers that your gun has no bullet he will deal a decisive blow on you even with your empty gun in place. The more of God's Word you know, the more live ammunition you have and you can dare the devil to any extent. God's Word applied in the place of prayer will quicken Heaven to answer and compel hell to submit; For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven: Psa. 119:89.

Each time I see people use the Psalms of David, I feel challenged that someone's personal prayer of over 4,000 years is still relevant today. Beloved how many of our prayers today can be used for others today not to talk of years or generations to come. The secret of such use is the inspiration and the biblical backing of the words in David's prayers. Heaven cannot reject such prayers nor will it ever become irrelevant. 

* Ask God for grace to saturate your life with His Word, in order to enjoy the blessings of prayer.
* Ask God to hasten His words to perform as you present them to Him in prayers.
*Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the Word you need to back up your prayers.

Father, for every reason I have cried this year, there shall be a sound of celebration and rejoicing, I shall be the celebrant of the year, in the name of Jesus.