Thursday, October 5, 2017

Praying in the Spirit

Thursday 5 October
READ: Luke 3:21-22 
MORE LESSON:  II Pet. 1:21; Rom. 15:13

When Jesus stepped into the water at His baptism, unlike others, He was praying. The result was that Heaven opened unto Him; then the Holy Ghost came upon Him and empowered Him for all His assignments, including praying. With the power of the Holy Spirit helping Him, prayer became easy even at difficult times.

Strengthening this position, Paul writes; Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered: Rom. 8:26. Part of the functions of the Holy Spirit, released at Pentecost, is to abide, help and strengthen us in the place of prayer. That's why Paul again writes; ...I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also...: I Cor. 14:15. Praying in the Holy Ghost is a great misery and a wonderful help of God, which all His children should desire and use.

Unknown to many, Jesus spoke in tongues at crucial times in His ministry. First, in Mk. 7:34 while ministering to a deaf and dumb man He said, ‘...Ephphatha’, that is, ‘Be opened.’ Second, in Mk. 5:41, He said to the dead girl ‘...Talitha cumi...’ and finally on the cross He cried,  ‘...Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?...’ (Matt. 27:46). We must follow in His footsteps and pray in the spirit and in understanding. Kenneth E. Hagin (Snr) once said that Jesus told him to spend at least one hour a day praying in tongues and all his life time he did so and the result was phenomenal.

Praying in the spirit is the only communication between man and his God that Satan cannot intercept; For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries: I Cor. 14: 2. Therein lies the power of praying in the spirit.

There is no strength in prayers outside of praying in the spirit. As a person, I spend hours in the place of prayer and as a church we have done 24hours in the place of prayer. Presently we have a 365 day prayer chain in our church. All these exploits are possible only by the Spirit and the result is phenomenal. To connect direct to God in heaven, bypassing all protocols, pray in the spirit.

* Receive the power of the Holy Spirit to pray right, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask that the help of the Holy Spirit shall be available for you in the place of prayer.
*Ask for the infilling at the Holy Spirit when you pray.

As the Lord lives the workings of October will operate for my good and destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Prayer of Agreement

Wednesday 4 October
READ: Matt. 18:18-20     
MORE LESSON:  Gen. 11:1-8

Agreement in prayer is another powerful weapon that Jesus encourages us to use inorder to muster strength in the place of prayer and to deal death blows to the enemy. This is like a metaphor taken from a number of  musical instruments set to the same key, and playing the same tune. It means perfect agreement of hearts, desires, wishes and voices of two or more persons praying to God. It also indicates that as many musical instruments when skillfully played, are pleasing to the ears of men, so are persons united together in warm, earnest, cordial prayer, highly pleasing in the sight and ears of the Lord.

The word ‘agree’ implies that any congregational or group prayers, which lack sincere unity and agreement cannot enjoy this provision for answered prayer. Ordinarily, agreement is a powerful weapon for couples, groups and congregations; but to be effective you must have strong unity of purpose and desire. Therefore, don't pray a prayer of agreement with a friend who does not agree with you on an issue or else don't expect any result. Before you pray a prayer of agreement with anybody, no matter how close to you, ask whether he or she agrees with the prayer point. If he does not, then look for someone else who does. As long as agreement is guaranteed and the request is scriptural, expect not only an answer but a speedy answer. This is the strength of corporate prayers or having a prayer partner, which many don't have today.

Prayer of agreement is so crucial to me that I don't keep a friend or company with people I cannot pray with. One major condition for choosing a friend is the possibility of being a prayer partner. If I can't pray with you, why walk and talk with you? The prayer of agreement is one of the strongest prayers on the earth; it has the capacity to do and undo anything from the earth to the heavens. It has such an endless possibility in prayer that cannot and should not be ignored by any believer. It has the same possibility that the unity of the Tower of Babel has, to which God Himself attests, ...and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do: Gen 11:6.

* I  ask God to give you partners that are like-minded and committed to prayer, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that as you agree with a partner in prayers, answers will come speedily to your request, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God for unity in Spirit whenever you pray as a family or group.

Every defiant situation will hear and obey my commands this month and there shall be joy, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, October 2, 2017

By Prayer and Fasting II

Monday 2 October
READ: Luke 4:1-15    
MORE LESSON:  Exo. 34:28-35

Looking deeper into yesterday’s study, you will appreciate why Jesus did not start His ministry until He had given Himself to fasting and prayer. Although He never gave a command that we must fast like He did for prayer, soul winning, love, communion etc, His pattern and teachings to His disciples are instructive enough. Fasting and prayer is crucial, especially for all who want to do the work of God, combat satanic strongholds, do what Jesus did and more; it must be by prayer and fasting.

Fasting helps to humble us, reduces the influence of the flesh, helps us to concentrate in the place of prayer and proves to God that we are desperate about a matter. It promotes discipline and self-denial, which advance prayer or help us to pray better because fasting without prayer will amount to hunger strike. So, we must not fast to the point of not being able to pray. Jesus said that the two go hand in hand; we must fast and we must pray.

When we combine the two the result is phenomenal:  And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about. And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all: Lk. 4:14-15.

Here we see four results of Jesus' fasting and prayer life:
(1)He returned in the power of the Spirit.
(2)His fame spread throughout all the region.
(3)He had open doors to preach to those who opposed Him.
(4)He was glorified by all.

All these, which people seek for from the occultic, are available in God by fasting, prayer and Christ-like living. Don't be tempted to ask for them outside of God; just pay the price of praying and fasting and they are all yours.

* Ask the Lord to strengthen your inner man so that your flesh may be subdued in the place of prayer and fasting.
* Pray that God will do exceptional things in you and through you each time you fast and pray.
*Ask God for more grace for you to pray more until result comes. 

This tenth month, I shall not dance to the music of my enemies, I shut them down, never to sound again, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

By Prayer and Fasting I

Sunday 1 October
READ: Mk. 9:14-29    
MORE LESSON:  Lk.2:36 -38

Jesus went to the mount of transfiguration with some of His disciples leaving the others behind to wait. Coming back to them He saw the disciples struggling without result as a healing and deliverance case. In fact the situation had degenerated to an argument and a debate between the disciples of Jesus and the scribes. Only God knew what the scribes had been saying. Thank God for Jesus' timely arrival and intervention, the boy was instantly healed. Surprised, the disciples put their shame aside and asked Jesus ...Why could not we cast him out? Mk. 9:28.

This  wonderful story has given us a great revelation that certain things will not happen to us except we add fasting to prayer. However, it is sad that today certain versions of the Bible omit the word 'fasting' from this passage. My interest is in the wisdom and courage of the disciples to ask, ...Why could not we cast him out? This question gave birth to the great revelation that has empowered us to prevail over the devil and his wicked agents. If the disciples had kept quiet, maybe Jesus wouldn't have revealed this: ...this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting: Matt. 17:21.

While the opportunity lasts, we should be wise enough to ask God, our leaders, fellow Christians and as many as could help, why we could not do certain things. We can ask Jesus through prayer why, how, and what can be done about our failures; He is still alive to answer us. Rather than pack it up, ask God, and wait for the answer. Sometimes you also need to ask yourself because it is not always all about God but also about certain things which are known to us. And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting: Mk. 9:29. Beloved, exceptional things happen when we fast and pray.

Exceptional things are things that will not happen ordinarily. Nehemiah, Moses, Elijah, Daniel, David, Esther are a few testimonies to this. By fasting Nehemiah made a Babylonian king to pay for the building of the wall of Jerusalem; Daniel defeated the prince of Persia; Esther broke protocol and got the enemy of the Jews hanged.  All these happened before saints spoke in tongues. Holy Ghost prayer plus righteous fast will do exceptional things.  

* Pray for a humble heart to learn from your failures and receive grace for success in subsequent endeavours.
*Pray that the key of prayer and fasting will not be lost in our assembly and homes.
*Receive strength to pay the price and to endure in the place of prayer, in Jesus’ name.

Father, it is with a heart of gratitude that I receive the month of October and I declare it fixed for joy, in the name of Jesus.