Thursday, October 19, 2017

Glorious Inheritance

Thursday 19 October
READ: Eph.1:15-23  
MORE LESSON:  1 Pet. 1:3-6

There is a popular story about a very wealthy man who wrote in his will that his wealth be shared between his only son and the man's slave. The will permitted the son to choose only one item out of all that the man had and the rest would go to the slave. When the will was read, everybody was stunned and wondered why the rich man treated his only son that way. While the boy was in a dilemma for days wondering what to choose out of all his father's possessions, the slave called a party and began to celebrate in anticipation of the great wealth that would soon become his. But an old man called the wealthy man's son aside and counselled him to choose the slave since he was part of his father's property.

At first the boy remarked, “What will I do with the slave? I don't need him”. But after a second thought, he realised that the slave he was rejecting was the key to possessing all that his father left behind. If he chose the slave as the only one item he was entitled to, all that went to the slave would become his. He summoned the administrators to come over to implement the will as soon as this understanding dawned on him. Everyone who stood in awe broke out in celebration when he finally made his choice. Even the slave was surprised and caught unawares; the slave was the son’s glorious inheritance.

Do you know the one glorious inheritance that God prepared for you here on earth even before you were born? It is not the silver, gold and diamond. Even if all the gold mines of South Africa and all the oil blocks of Saudi Arabia were bequeathed to you, you will die one day and leave them behind. Jesus said, For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark 8:36-37. This statement implies that there is something much more valuable than the wealth of the whole world put together, that is your soul.

Be like the wealthy man's son and not the slave in the story above. If you choose the world and the things therein, you will lose your soul. Hear what Jesus said, For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it: Mark 8:35. Choose Jesus today, and enter into all that God the Father has in stock for you in life. Choose Him today, and you will enter into your glorious inheritance.

*I choose Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, I believe in His name, in Jesus’ name.
*Pray that you will be a partaker of the glorious inheritance in Christ Jesus, in Jesus’ name.
*Pray for your unsaved friends, neighbours and family that they will partake in the glorious inheritance in Christ, in Jesus’ name.

Father, today I receive an error-free life, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Divine Direction

Wednesday 18 October
READ: Luke 5:1-11 
MORE LESSON:  Isa. 48:17

There are two great tragedies in life: one is to live without a purpose; the other is to spend all your life doing that which is not your primary purpose. The simple reason why people live without purpose or spend their whole life pursing a secondary purpose is lack of divine direction. Without divine direction, you will never find satisfaction in your pursuit. Your legitimate labour will become a toil and your result will always be small. Worse still, you will never come to limelight. Psalm 127:1-2 captures the frustration of a life without divine direction, Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.  It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.

Peter was a fulltime fisherman, and perhaps very skilful in that venture. When Jesus met him, He asked Peter to follow Him and He would make him a fisher of men. Peter's talent was actually meant for men, not fishes in the rivers. Unfortunately for Peter, he did not realise that on time. While Jesus was in Peter's compound healing the sick and delivering the oppressed that night (Luke 4:38-44), Peter picked his fishing nets and headed to the sea for fishing.

Unfortunately for him, he toiled that whole night and caught nothing. In the morning, Jesus came to meet him at the lake side where he was washing his net, used his boat, and directed him where to throw his net. Peter's encounter with Jesus that morning turned him around and gave him a name among the great in the history of mankind. Your greatness is in the lips of Jesus. Therefore, you must give Him attention today and hear His voice which came with a  promise, I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye: Psa.32:8.

Your life is destined for greatness. But remember, the starting point is the cry and action of Peter, When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.: Lk. 5:8. If you admit your sinful life today and fall at Jesus’ feet, your life will be divinely guided into a glorious and fulfilling future.  

*Lord, I surrender my life to You for guidance, supervision and direction, in Jesus’ name.
*Father, deliver me from fruitless labour and toiling. Cause me to hear Your voice today, in Jesus’ name.

Father, I decree that I shall walk tall in the midst of foes; I shall live a life of triumph permanently, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Life and Peace

Tuesday 17 October
READ: Prov. 3:1-10    
MORE LESSON:  Mal. 2:4-7

One of the pursuits of man in life is to have long life and peace. People are ready to do many things which they believe could prolong their days and guarantee their peace. Nations openly acquire weapons of war in the time of peace believing that it will deter other nations from confronting them. But many in pursuit of things which they think could bring them peace discover that the means of searching for long life and peace actually deprive them of same. For example, many have sought for money in ungodly ways and ended up not having peace of mind.

The writer of Proverbs taught us the secret to length of days and peace. One main key as taught by him is to walk in the fear of God. Since God chose us when we were undeserving, we have the responsibility to fear the Lord. The fear of the Lord is to shun every kind of evil; to live in reverent fear of Him. God promised to give to such a man a covenant of life and peace (Mal. 2:5). To enjoy life and peace you must trust the Lord. A man who has learnt to trust the Lord in all things will soon discover that he has been delivered from anxiety because he has learnt to cast his entire burdens upon the Lord, and to wait in hope after he has made his requests known in prayer,  You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you: Isa. 26:3(NLT).

One other way by which we can enjoy life and peace as seen in our text is to walk in mercy and truth. As we desire mercy from the Lord daily we must learn to show mercy to others; never turn down a cry for mercy as long as it is within your ability. Truth talks about faithfulness, though speaking the truth may put you at a risk of rejection, punishment or even something worse but it will pay off at the end of the day. Prov. 20:28 says mercy and truth preserve the king and his throne is upheld by mercy.

To enjoy peace and long life, acknowledge the Lord in all your ways. The Bible makes it clear that it is not in man to direct his own steps; therefore you must allow God to lead and direct all the affairs of your life, in decision making, choice of career, marriage partner, in embarking on projects etc. Don't take a decision without God's leading. This way you secure your peace and life since He will be with you in all the steps that you take. To honour the Lord with what you have is another way to secure your peace and life. When you give God His portion, be sure He will be committed to keep what remains for you. When you give God a tithe of what you have, He will rebuke the devourer (sickness, wastage, thief etc.) over what remains. He will give you peace over your health and household, and satisfy you with long life. No man finds lasting peace and enjoys good life without God. Walk in His way and enjoy life and peace.

*Ask for God’s covenant of peace  and abundant life, in Jesus’ name.
*Speak peace to everything that threatens your life and peace, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God for grace to walk in the fear of God, mercy and truth, in the mighty name of Jesus.

I shall walk my way into greatness this month; the gate of hell shall not be able to stop me, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Bring in the Light

Monday 16 October
READ: Isa. 60:1-10    
MORE LESSON:  Rom. 13:11-14

When the sun sets and night falls, speed reduces movement, driving and other activities except light is brought in. The introduction of light can help to maintain speed even in the night, but if there is no light then stagnation or lack of activity will result. Light is needed for speed, acceleration and progress. Backward nations are so because of the amount of light brought into those nations.

The more light a nation allows the more developed the nation becomes. Light here refers to the light of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the light of knowledge by educational training, exposure and the light of civilisation; the same principle holds for ministry or individual dream.

A ministry will be obscure because of lack of light of what to do, how to do it and when to do it.  An individual that will make impact in his generation must get the light that is peculiar and unique for his destiny; for every person there is an area of light that when you get it you move out of obscurity forever. You need to get that light from the Father of light Himself and walk in the light that is given to you. There is no need to envy other people’s light. Get yours and run with it.

God never created any one void or empty; He makes each person unique with all that is needed packaged inside him/her. All you need to do is just to walk with the Lord to get the knowledge of how to turn the light on what God has given you. So, ignite your own light, shine it strongly and let it grow in intensity. How? Wait on God to locate the uniqueness given to you; it may be in the musical area, literary, historical, technological or vocational area; switch on the light with the correct education.

Go to school to study how to utilise the gift or train under someone who is already a master at a similar gift, start using the gift as you get opportunities in God's house and in any forum that God brings your way. Seek counsel that will help you plan adequately how to develop or grow in the gift. Be known for that one thing wherever you go and indeed the sky will not be your limit.

*Ask God to light your life and end obscurity, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God to set your feet to walk on high in destiny, in Jesus’ name.
*Decree the power to be fulfilled in life, in the mighty name of Jesus.

In the name that is above all names, I choose to live and not die in 2017, in the name of Jesus.