Saturday 18 November
READ: Gen. 3:13-15
MORE LESSON: Rom. 5:12-17
No living creature can survive outside its source. A careful follow-up on the patterns of creation reveals that God called living creatures out of the environmental source or habitat that supports their life. So the waters brought forth fish and the wales Gen 1:20 and the earth brought forth trees, vegetation and cattle and all other terrestrial beasts Gen 1:24. That's why fish cannot live without water, trees will die if disconnected from the soil. It's a law of nature. But when it was time to make man, God spoke to Himself; And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth: Gen. 1:26. God is our source; therefore, it is impossible for man to thrive and survive without God.
Although things went sour between man and God – his source, there was already a plan for man's redemption. Isn't it amazing to see that God had more than a creation plan for man,? He also had a redemption plan with provisions for the restoration and recovery of man if man falls from royalty over all other created things. This redemption plan is contained in the first and oldest prophecy in human history dating back to the Garden of Eden. It was given by YAHWEH Himself immediately after the fall of mankind from his dominion mandate. Hard woven within the tapestry of this prophecy, were both justice for humanity and judgement for the devil.
Simply put, God didn't just make you and me to roam the earth like cattle, trees and fish without hope or destiny. He also had a special plan to protect and preserve us from evil. Simply put, you're no accident of any kind, no matter what you think about yourself or what they say about you. Before you were born, there already was a ‘fail-proof’ plan for every mistake you would ever make in this life. You are hand made by God and there is an irreversible divine insurance on your life in the redemption work of Jesus. Hallelujah! God settled your past, present and future errors in the fulfilment of that ancient prophecy long before your ancestors arrived the scene.
Nothing you have ever done or will ever do is a surprise to the Creator and King of Heaven and earth. God knows it all! The name of this redemption plan is JESUS Christ, Son of the Living God, who came and died for the sins of mankind. He rose again with all power in His hands thereby bruising the head of the serpent and purchasing our freedom once and for all. So, whatever was lost by the sin of Adam is restored by faith in Jesus. In faith say ‘Yes’ to Jesus. I welcome you to redemption forever.
* Confess 2 Cor. 5:17 several times today.
* Rededicate your life to Jesus Christ and ask the Holy Spirit to purge your mind from all guilt and self-condemnation.
* Declare that your new reality is the finished works of Jesus Christ.
Today, I frustrate the counsel of liars, I make diviners mad and I turn the knowledge of the enemy to foolishness, in the mighty name of Jesus.