Monday 27 November
READ: Jer. 8: 22
MORE LESSON: Isa. 53: 4-5
The Lord is the great Healer. Where medical science fails, the Spirit of the Lord is able. As a covenant child of God, it is not you who should be a slave to sickness and a regular customer of the hospital. The Bible asks a question, is there no balm in Gilead, is there no physician there, why then is the health of the daughter of my people not recovered? Jer. 8: 22. Is it because there is no healing power in God that you have become a specimen for the medical lab? I curse every sickness in your body in Jesus’ name. Child of God, there is a balm in Gilead.
However, you must become desperate enough to come to God and demand His healing touch. Talking about desperation, after a healing service in church where several people were healed, a young lady came to meet me in the office, bringing some other people along. She told me that she had a sore on both sides of her thigh and that the sore had been there for six years. When people become desperate, they forget about decorum, she came with people but she said she wanted to show me the excruciating sore. I told her that was not part of what I wanted to see, but she was crying and pleading that I had to see it. I refused, so she brought out her phone and said she would show me the picture. I said I was not interested in that as well, so she started crying helplessly in front of the people present. She had gone to hospitals and there was no help for her. She only stopped sobbing when I told her that I didn't need to see it before the great Physician would heal her.
Under the unction of the Holy Ghost, I asked her to sit down, stretch her two legs and open her two hands on her laps. After a while, she screamed. I was surprised as everyone else, I had not even prayed. The truth is that she had never been able to sit like that for years and immediately she sat that way, the boils burst. I didn't know that the altar that afflicted her carried a taboo, and the taboo was the sitting position she just assumed. She got relieved and her healing came immediately.
Today, an end has come to every anti-covenant activity that has brought sickness into your life. I apply the balm of Gilead to every source of pain in your body and I command that your health speedily appear, in Jesus’ name. As the Lord lives whom I serve, every altar that speaks sickness to you is swallowed by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to heal you of any sickness, physical or spiritual, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare with confidence, “By His stripes I am healed”, in Jesus’ name.
* Reject any negative report over your health and claim your healing, in Jesus’ name.
Every power that says my time of release has not come, die by fire today, in the name of Jesus.