Tuesday 28 November
READ: Luke 19:1-9
MORE LESSON: Phil. 3:9
Being born again is not just about going to church or being baptized. It is an experience. There is this story of a man who tried to grow spiritually before he was born again; he was born into a pagan family but grew up going to church. He went to a secondary school where he served as a leader in many Christian organizations, which made him believe that he was a Christian. But after it became very clear that he was not saved, he started drinking and doing many terrible things openly and without shame until he became very miserable.
Then one day as he was singing, he became convicted by the words of the songs. He knelt down, confessed his sins, then God began to change his life, and he got the assurance that he was truly saved. He immediately joined a group for Bible study, and started to learn more about the new life in Christ Jesus. He also began to share with others what Christ has done in his life.
Being saved or born again is not a theory or a story but a life changing experience. Confession without change is false. Have you seen any changes in your life? What are they? If none, then confess your sins afresh, ask for pardon, and the joy of salvation will bubble in your heart. Thereafter, a new life in Christ Jesus will begin immediately in you.
That is the right order of walking with God and not the other way round. Apostle Paul got it wrong early in life. He was religious but not born again:
Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless: Phil. 3:5-6. He was not born again until he met Jesus on the road to Damascus (Act. 9: 1-8).
In contrast, Zacchaeus’ case was a different order; he came as a sinner to see Jesus. Then he had got an encounter, confessed his sins and received Jesus into his home and life. Please crosscheck today. Are you are religious or saved?
* Father, give me a new life, in Jesus' name.
* I receive the right spirit to serve God today, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Dear Lord, reveal yourself to me in all that I do, in Jesus’ name.
I proclaim that the season of famine is over; I release my rain in abundance now, in the name of Jesus.