Saturday 2 December
READ: Rev. 21: 10 - 21
MORE LESSON: John 14: 2 -3
The Bible shows us a beautiful picture of the City where we will be for eternity. The Lord has prepared for us a city which shines with the glory of God. It has no earthly comparison in beauty. The highest splendor and beauty on earth is not worthy to be mentioned near the dust of the magnificent New Jerusalem, where we will spend eternity. The gates and foundations of this City are made of precious stones and the streets are made of pure gold. Each house in this City is a mansion of unparalleled delight.
When we keep our hearts on the joy that awaits us in the New Jerusalem, we will treat all the challenges of this present world with levity. Rom 8: 18 says, For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. No matter what you have to endure in this present world, make sure you do not compromise your place in the New Jerusalem. All tears will be wiped away and no longer will there be any hardship. This world is not all there is to life; don't pursue the world at the expense of your eternity. Live this life with your eyes on the prize of the New Jerusalem. Jesus said in John 14:2 that He has gone to prepare a place for us. The New Jerusalem is the place He has gone to prepare; you must not miss it. There is a warning about the New Jerusalem given in Rev 21:27; Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.
Another lesson that needs to be drawn when we look at the glory of the New Jerusalem is that our God is a God of glory, magnificence and splendor. The New Jerusalem is not a city of huts but magnificent mansions. Gold, which is a highly valued commodity, is used by God to tar the streets of the Heavenly Jerusalem. Several kinds of precious stones and pearls are used for the gates, the foundations and different parts in the city. This shows us that God is not a God of poverty. He is a God of glory, beauty and wealth.
Therefore, our sole pursuit in life is the glory of God and to make the Heavenly Jerusalem. However, while we are still on earth, we must reflect the nature of the God who we are serving and has prepared the New Jerusalem for us. His nature, as shown by the City He has made for us, is wealth, glory, abundance, success and greatness. So while you await the New Jerusalem, which will come down from Heaven, you must reflect the New Jerusalem on the earth.
* Give God thanks for where He has prepared for you.
* Pray that nothing will rob you of your eternity in heaven.
* Pray for the salvation of family members who have not been saved.
I prophesy better is the end of this year, starting from today, than the beginning thereof, in the name of Jesus.