Saturday, December 9, 2017

Victor, not Victim

Saturday 9 December
READ: Job 22:21-29    
MORE LESSON: Isa. 54:17

The Holy Bible is replete with scriptures that guarantee our victory in all of life endeavours. However, God’s assurance to us on victory is not realised when we don't take time to search and acquaint ourselves with the vast provision of victory that we have in God through His Word.

Whether we like it or not, there will always be some casting down, disappointments, sack letters, broken homes and unrealised dreams, which are all associated with victims of circumstances. But none of these shall be your portion. Your “AMEN” to this prayer will only be sufficient for you to be a victor if you can be committed to observing the following steps that can be helpful in being a victor and not a victim.

1.  Acquaint yourself with God (Job 22:21). To acquaint oneself with God is to get to know Him personally. Therefore, if you must live as a victor, it is expedient that you know God so intimately, to know who He is to you and what He has for you. You should know that He is your shield and glory (Psa. 3:3); He is your very present help in trouble (Psa. 46:1). Know Him to discover that He is plenteous in mercy (Psa. 5:7) and that He will not cast you away when you run to Him for mercy and victory over sin (John 6:37). What a man knows about God and His Word and how the knowledge is applied can determine who becomes a victim or victor in life.

2.  Live by divine instructions (Job 22:22). Divine instructions are instructions given by God or through His prophets and they are often times opposed to our opinions and reasoning as humans. They however have the capacity to keep those that adhere to them from being victims of evil. Let us be willing therefore to receive and obey the divine instructions that come from our spiritual leaders whom God has set over us in order to avoid the evils that waste men. Such instructions may include when not to travel, who not to marry etc. Such instructions are capable of dealing with the obstructions of a man's destiny when followed.

3.  Learn to speak/pray what you want (Job 22:27-29) . The summary of Job 22:29 is that we can be defended from being victims of tragedy if we can also learn to speak out what we desire as our portion when faced with unpleasant circumstances. What you say is what you will see. Choose to speak victory-related words always and you will see it so.

* Decree that you will enjoy victorious life in Christ, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Pray that you shall not be a victim of circumstance, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Announce the victories you are believing God for, in Jesus’ name.

Father, my destiny is in Your hands; let it not go the way of the enemy this December, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Your Prophet, your Profit

Friday 8 December
READ: Hosea 12:13 
MORE LESSONS: Exo. 11:1-3

The role of prophets in the Old Testament was major to everything in the lives of the Israelites at that time, both in personal and national life. This was so because the prophets served as intermediaries between the people, the nation and their God. Israel never went to war nor took any decision as a nation without consulting the prophets or the priests, as the case may be. Examples  abound of those who attempted to run their lives and nations outside of this God ordained method and paid dearly for it.

Today, although the ministry of prophets is not very pronounced like in the Old Testament, their roles are now generally conferred upon pastors. The word ‘pastor’ is the generally accepted title for all spiritual leaders regardless of their spiritual grace and office. There are, however, a few people who still bear titles of the spiritual offices that they occupy, such as apostle, prophet, evangelist. The title ‘pastor’ is the most popular while ‘teacher’ is the least. The most important thing, however, is not the titles but the functions.

The role of a pastor today in the spiritual and physical lives of church people can be compared with that of a prophet in the Old Testament. Among the functions of the pastor are: providing spiritual and physical cover and guidance, exemplary living, prayer, preaching, teaching, healing, prophetic insight etc. Several people today have come this far under God by the instrumentality of their pastors. The ministry of a spiritual head/pastor is God ordained and everyone who despises the place of spiritual guidance ends in crisis. If Israel had rejected Moses' ministry, their story would not have been the same today. The throne of Israel was finally taken away from King Saul in the day he declared his prophet/pastor a late comer and stepped into Samuel's office (I Sam. 13:8-14).

Don't break ranks, don't be rude or insultive to your pastor/prophet, publicly or secretly; God will not overlook it. Your victory over any Egyptian bondage and the preservation of your good life is tied to your life of obedience to God and your prophet; keep a good relationship with them (Hos. 12:13).Your pastor has a role to bless you and you too have a responsibility to take good care of your prophet. May the ministry of prophet be a blessing to your life!

* Ask God to send His ordained prophet to you today, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that you will not turn down your God's sent prophet, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask for grace to obey and follow your prophet leading, in Jesus’ name.

This month, the heavens will open for me, my family, job, health, business, career, church, expectations and destiny. Worry will give way for divine help, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Your Name is on your Flame

Thursday 7 December
READ: Acts 2:1-4  
MORE LESSON: Heb. 10:25

Your name is the signpost to your identity; who you are, your current reality; what is going on in your life right now and ultimately your destiny. The first introduction about who you are is in your name. When your name is called, prophetic power is released in the direction of the fulfilment of your name. From the beginning of time, everything God makes, He names! Your parents might have given you a good name and people may name you according to how they meet you, but before you became a clot of blood in your mother's womb, the God who made you already named you. One of the most powerful revelations you will ever discover about yourself is the name God calls you.  Ask Simon Peter, the day Jesus called him by another name different from his common name, a new consciousness, anointing and authority fell on him: he stepped into the fulfilment of destiny.

Everyone wants to know his purpose but not everyone is listening to the name God calls him. I wish we know that all of God's purpose for us is wrapped up in the name Heaven knows us by. Moses was known as a stutterer – God called him a deliverer; Gideon thought he was disadvantaged – God called him a mighty warrior. Everyone thought Deborah was a simple wife - God called her a prophetess and warlord. Jesus was called the ordinary carpenter’s son – but Heaven knew Him as the Son of God. The twelve disciples thought they were finished in the hands of Roman tyranny after Jesus ascended, but God called them the apostles of the Lamb and foundations of the most powerful spiritual institution today - The Church. But the switch never happened until Fire fell.

There were 120 frightened people gathered at the upper room  over2000 years ago, waiting for what they did not know. What they were about to receive had no antecedence in history. But when The Holy Spirit of promise came, it was with visible tongues of fire. The fascinating part is that there were 120 fiery tongues for 120 heads in the room; a flame for every name and a name on every flame. There is always the meeting where God puts a flame on your name. They may have called you sick but God has a healing name for you. People may think you're poor but there's another name on your flame. You may have even given up on yourself, but wait until God calls your true name out of the burning bush!  You may ask; how do I position myself for the flame unique to my name? A flawless example is found in the early Christians; they met in one place and in one accord, ministering to the Lord and suddenly, the Fire fell  (Acts 2:1). Are you filled with the Holy Ghost? Do you belong to a Bible believing assembly of Christians? The  environment of Fire is your local assembly. Don't skip meetings, or be a Sunday-Sunday believer. The Fire can fall anytime without warning and only those present in the room get a flame! 

*  Ask God for a revelation of your truest identity in purpose and calling.
*  Declare that you are what God says you are.

I command every lost and stolen glory in 2017 to be restored this twelveth month, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Religion or Relationship

Wednesday 6 December
READ:  Mk.7:13  
MORE LESSON: Jn. 5:39-47

All religions of the world have one thing in common; a special book considered to be holy and containing instructions  from a 'divine deity'. This special book is seen to impact the culture and even determine the entire lifestyle of devotees. They are required to diligently study and sometimes memorize portions of these instructions until the words become part and parcel of their lives.

In  today’s text, we see that this is not the case in Christianity. Christianity is not a religion; it is the way of life. The pages of the Bible are not given to us to  flip back and forth as religious requirement for spiritual accreditation by an impossible to please deity or anything of that sort. The scriptures are carefully scripted and crafted by the inspiration of Almighty God. The Living Book is a love letter from God  to us His kids, the sons of God; for ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Gal.3:26

It is the Creator's manual for effective living. In it are spiritual lively capsules for living above the circumstances and forces of life. The Bible is God's given manual for unending victories and success. As an anchor is to a ship, so is the Word of God to our souls. Those who hold on to the Word of God are the most successful people alive.

Unfortunately, a lot of unbelievers  practice some teachings of the Bible more than some of us who are saved and profess to be Christians. The Word of God works any day, any time and God did not give His Word to only a group of people  but to the whole wide world (Jn3:16). Anybody who believes the Word and practices it will find the favour and successes that it provides. A good example is the act of giving as taught by the scriptures. I see Muslims who pay tithes and heathens who give offerings to help the needy. In fact, only recently, ten of the richest men alive, most of who are unbelievers, met at a round-table and decided that they would spend half of their wealth on the orphans, widows and the needy. This is because they discovered that giving is one secret of wealth that they all share. Simply put, they discovered that God's Word on giving and finances works!

Take up the challenge today. Those of us who have Christ living inside us should not live less than the Bible speaks of us. If you will dare to act on the words of the Living Book today, the skies are only a run-way. Like the noble man in Jn. 5:39-40, when everything else fails, go for God's Word. It never, ever fails because it surpasses religion; it creates relationship with God.

*  Rebuke the spirit of religion from your heart and soul. 
*  Declare a season of deeper intimacy with the Holy Ghost from today.
*  Confess your favourite scriptures into the atmosphere over your life and prophesy unending victories in the battles of life.

Every evil circle of lack, debt, begging, loss and inadequacy that has persisted since January, I break your yoke off me this month, in the name of Jesus.