Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Who is this Jesus?

Wednesday 27 December
READ: Matt. 16:13-17  
MORE LESSON:  Jn. 6:51-58, 69

The Bible is very clear about who Jesus is. Although different people and religions have different opinions about who He is, we have compelling evidence of His person and life more than any religious leader, past and present. While some see Him as prophet, others call Him an idol, mediator, revolutionist etc. Even in His own day, there were controversies surrounding Him; ...Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets: v 14. But, by the Spirit, Peter declared the truth, ...Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God: v16, which is the position that Heaven and earth must accept. However, knowing Jesus as the Son of God in the head is not sufficient; it must include a personal encounter to experience Him as Lord  and Saviour.

An old Christian once proved the existence of God in an atheist conference by eating an orange and asking the audience to describe the taste. They responded that he was the only one who could tell the taste. Then he explained that only those who have tasted God can tell His impact. Similarly, without experiencing Jesus personally, you can never tell who He is. A mental experience is nothing compared to a personal encounter with Him.

Who is Jesus to you? Celebrating Jesus begins with encountering Him.

*  Tell God to reveal Jesus to you the way you have never known Him before.
* Ask that every sin/veil that has covered your eyes, not allowing you to see Jesus, be removed today, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to open your eyes to see the mysteries of God, in Jesus’ name.

The circle of hopelessness is broken this day, my soul (put your name) rise up and celebrate, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Faithful Shepherd

Tuesday 26 December
READ: Lk. 2:6-18 
MORE LESSON:  2 Kgs. 7:3-11

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus today, our focus is the lesson to learn from the records of the three shepherds who visited the child Jesus in the manger. It is a lesson of faithfulness to a cause. First, they were faithful in going to look for the baby that the angel told them about, although they were not directly instructed, ...Ye shall find the babe a manger: v. 12 was not a direct instruction to go and search. Again, according to the gospel of Matthew, Herod directed them to come back and give him the location where Jesus was, with the aim of killing the baby.

The shepherds at the instruction of the Angel refused to go back to Herod; they were faithful to the new King. Although they never knew what Jesus stood for, they were faithful in spreading the news about the child Jesus according to what the angel told them, that Jesus Christ the Saviour was born and that this blessing was for all men. In verse 17, ...they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child, they simply turned their privilege to responsibility and today whenever the birth of Jesus is reported, the shepherds are mentioned.

Redemption is a privilege, but after we have received it, it becomes a responsibility to faithfully tell others about the Saviour that we have found. To the shepherds this was good news, as indeed it is today because the angel said, ...behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy... then the angel added ...which shall be to all people: v. 10.

Just as the shepherds spread the news to all people as it is due, the people of God today must spread the news also; we must not keep quiet. Just as the lepers, who walked into God's free provision after the Assyrians fled because God made them to hear noise, said ...This is not right. This is a day of good news, and we aren't sharing it with anyone! If we wait until morning, some calamity will certainly fall upon us. Come on, let's go back and tell the people at the palace: 2 Kgs. 7:9 (NLT). It is possible that some believers are going through some calamity because they have refused to share the good news about salvation.

Today can be a healing day if we truly repent of keeping to ourselves what is meant to be shared with all. Share the good news today.  

*  Ask God to help all believers to be faithful to soul winning, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to lead you to someone today with who you will share the goodness.
* Ask God to anoint your tongue afresh to be able to spread the goodness, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Jesus, You reign eternally as my Lord and Saviour, Your power over me and my love for You shall never end, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Born for all Seasons

Monday 25 December
READ: Isa. 9:1-7  
MORE LESSON:  Lk. 2:1-14

One of the greatest things about Christianity is that unlike all other religions and religious leaders, we have a leader that lives forever. Christmas was yesterday, but Christ is yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever. Jesus was born to live eternally as Isaiah the prophet said concerning Him, Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this: v. 7. One of His names is the everlasting Father, meaning He that does not expire. Kingdoms rise and fall, men live and die, things begin and end; indeed all things expire with use or time but the gift of God, Jesus of Nazareth, lives forever! He sees the beginning of all things and seasons and sees their end. He rules all seasons and is beautiful in all.

Wisdom demands that we celebrate Him because He was before any man, and at the end of all men He will still be. He is awesome! Let all the people of God rejoice today because we have a Master that the whole world, time and situations bow to, And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men: Lk. 2:10,13-14. Thank God we are celebrating the birth of Jesus our Saviour this great season. We join Heaven to say it loud, Glory to God in the highest.

But beyond this as we celebrate Christmas, one challenge still stands tall against us. It is the issue of the purpose of today, the gift of salvation, for which Jesus was born. In the account of the birth of Jesus in Luke 2, the angels and the entire hosts of Heaven were celebrating but only a few on the earth were aware of what was happening. Even at the manger where the baby was and above which the star rested, there was no indication that a King was born. Over two thousand years after, how many on the earth have heard, known and partaken of this great gift that is being celebrated? Whatever the statistics, obviously there is still much to be done. So, to celebrate the King that is born, “let us go a fishing”. 

*  Tell God you want all your seasons to be filled with Jesus always, in Jesus’ name.
*  Promise Jesus you will be His ambassador for life, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the joy of this season will fill all hearts as the kingdom of our Lord rules in all men, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Jesus, You are my life, hero and champion, I celebrate You today and forever with all that I own, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Product of Light

Sunday 24 December
READ: Matt. 5:14-16 
MORE LESSON:  Lk. 10:30-36

It is a common saying that light is good. The world is unimaginable without light. Light heralds the day, assists in rain formation, assists in biological processes of plant and animal life, it is convertible (solar power) for domestic and industrial use. The generated light is significant in our daily life.
In our text today, Jesus the light of men declared that His children are the light of the world. Salt sweetens and preserves. Therefore, children of God are the salt of the earth also. We are the joy and hope of the world to bring men back to God. Where there is light, it dominates. As the Lord shines His light in our lives, we shine it to the world to show the light of life.

Christ is the light of the Church and the Church is the light of the world. The problem with believers is that we tend to hide our light. That should not be the case. Naturally, darkness bows to light and anywhere light is, there is life. The question then is, “How do we show forth the light in us?”
1. Point men and women to God for salvation.
2. Stand against ungodliness and injustice.
3. Live in obedience to the Word of God.
4. Don't compromise your faith.
5. Speak out against evil.

And above all, in word and deed, let God be glorified. We must desire like the song writer, “Lord I want to be like Jesus inner my heart”; “Lord, I want to be more holy inner my heart”; “Lord I want to be a Christian inner my heart”. Believers must arise and shine! We must take the light of Jesus to the market place by what we do more than by what we say. The world will see Jesus more in us by our work than by our speaking in tongues. The New Living Translation puts it this way, ...let your good deeds shine out for all to see...: Matt. 5:16 (NLT). Like Jesus in Acts 10:38, the anointing upon Him made Him to do ...good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil...(NLT).

Feeding the hungry, providing for the poor, strengthening the weak, clothing the naked, caring for the orphan and widow are ways that we the light are called to shine. Jesus did it that way, the apostles followed suit, it must not stop with us. Preaching salvation begins with the forgiveness and cleansing of sins but does not stop there. The Church and her people must preach the compassionate, caring Jesus both within and without the assembly. Shine the light by your work.

* Ask the Lord Jesus to help you to be more like Him as a shining light, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the light of Jesus will shine to the unsaved world through you, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that your life will shine for the world to see, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Jesus, if Your pregnancy could not be aborted, and King Herod could not stop Your birth, connected to Your loins, my destiny, even if delayed, can never be stopped; I rest my case, in the mighty name of Jesus.