Thursday 28 December
READ: Jn. 8:56-59
MORE LESSON: Lk. 10:17-21
The dictionary defines joy as having great happiness. Happiness means having or feeling pleasure of satisfaction. Joy goes beyond being happy. Usually, when men are happy they possess something--they are newly married, just built a house, bought a car, gave birth to a baby, acquired a new wardrobe, got a new job or promotion at their place of work or have enough money to buy what they desire. These are good things of life that God the eternal Father delights to give to His children (Matt. 7:11). As a Giver of good things, He will surely give you good gifts this year, in Jesus' name.
Yet this type of joy is limited because when joy is tied to the possession of material things it implies that when those things are absent or taken away, the joy comes to an end. This is temporary joy. However, Jesus joy starts from within and is permanent. Apostle Peter in I Pet. 1:8 calls it unspeakable joy. It's a joy that starts with reconciliation and peace with God. It's the joy of having hope for eternity with one's name written in the Book of Life (Lk. 10:20); of having victory over the devil, the world and the flesh (I Jn. 4:4). It is the joy of knowing that eternity is secure for further glory and rest with God in a new world that is free of crisis, pain and sorrow (Rev. 21:1-4). This type of joy is for now and eternity.
It manifested in the Hebrew boys that defied one of the greatest kings of their time and entered the fiery furnace. From biblical times to contemporary time, this joy is present in tribulation (Jn. 16:30) and it defies external pain. Paul the apostle was one man who suffered severally for the kingdom of God, including physical assaults and pain. On one of such occasions he declared, ...the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me. But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy…: Acts 20:23-24.
Such is the joy of the Lord that no external or internal pain can quench it. That is where all men should seek for joy, in Christ Jesus. For all other sources are temporary, transient and short lived. The greatest joy a man can ever have is the joy that your name is written in the Book of Life! What is your joy, Jesus or other things?
* Ask the Lord to fill your heart with overcoming joy, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Pray that the joy of the Lord shall be your strength, in Jesus’ name.
* Rebuke every seed of sadness and bitterness that can deprive you of joy, in Jesus’ name.
By the peace of the Lord that passes all understanding, I shall end this year in peace and not in pieces, in the name of Jesus.